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Hybrid work: Nordic border commuters face income tax headache
Hybrid work became a solution for many companies during the Corona pandemic. But people commuting across borders risked being taxed in a different country because they were working from home. The Nordic Border Barriers Council is on the case.
Understanding each other – digital services ease cultural exchange
A common digital platform for topical conversations with Nordic profiles could raise awareness about what is going on in our neighbouring countries – just like television once did. New technology makes it easier to cross national borders.
Small languages need big language's help to reach IT giants
Languages that are not used in the digital world will not survive. That is the brutal message which formed the basis for the Nordic language meeting – a two days long conference on the latest development in language technology.
Iceland: Trust in politicians almost regained
On September 25 the Icelandic voters will elect a new parliament. Majority governments used to be the rule, but with more parties and four years with Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir, the rulebook has changed.
Trust levels in Sweden are swaying
Trust between people in Sweden is high, just like in the other Nordic countries. And despite the pandemic and high death rates, trust remains high in Sweden compared to the rest of the world. But on a local level, there is a growing gap between areas of high and low trust, according to the latest Trust Barometer.
Nordic cooperation – a must-have or nice-to-have?
The pandemic has led to increased polarization between the Nordic countries and trust between Nordic citizens has fallen. This is particularly true for those living far apart. In border regions, where people know each other, it has been less damaged.
Global initiative to strengthen social dialogue
The Corona pandemic has shown the importance of making quick decisions – but these also need public support. That is why social dialogue is so important. Global Deal, launched by Sweden together with the OECD and the ILO, is one of the few initiatives looking at social dialogue from an international perspective.
A “Nordic”, independent Scotland post-Brexit?
The last time the Scots went to the polls to vote for or against independence from the United Kingdom, there was speculation whether an independent Scotland would seek to link up with the Nordic region. Next year things might get serious.
Life-saving communication
The Corona pandemic continues its impact on Nordic citizens, who so far have supported their own governments and other authorities. In Iceland’s second city Akureyri, party politics have even been put aside and all political parties have joined forces on the city council.
Anti toll road party came third in Bergen
Old political parties which spend years gathering too few votes fail to engage generations, while new one-issue parties are emerging. Political constellations change while we are waiting to see who might gain some power.
New profile leaves Nordic traces around the world
The Nordic Region is attractive, with its 27 million citizens over five countries living in peaceful coexistence. We are far from perfect, but perhaps that is what makes us fascinating. The Nordic Council of Ministers tries to look after all this by creating a Nordic brand.
Malmö: Police officers are also vulnerable
“When you come home with a black eye after being hit, you are a human being first,” says Malmö’s police chief with ten years frontline experience into the city. Thinking police are trained to deal with the worst possible situations, or even prepared to die, is to put too much belief in a human being’s capability, he says.
What happened to the spirit of consent?
Have we become less good at solving conflicts in the Nordic region? Are we seeing a weakening of the spirit of consent which has made it possible to reach compromises that everyone can live with? This issue of the Nordic Labour Journal looks at the debate in the five Nordic countries.
Theme: Focus on conflict resolution
Politicians, trade union leaders and employers share one thing: Conflict solving forms a large part of their jobs. A society needs to balance work and capital, rules and freedoms, in order to achieve welfare.
The election night where percentage points ruled supreme
Stockholm, 10th September, the day after the election...
OECD Deputy Secretary-General Mari Kiviniemi: Sticks to facts and fears protectionism
Former Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi has spent nearly a lifetime in Finnish politics. As OECD Deputy Secretary-General she has spent most of her time advising the world’s governments on development and growth. At year’s end it is over. Now she wants to help Finland prosper as leader for the Finnish Commerce Federation.
The Nordics are entering the future of work
How do we prepare the Nordic model for the future of work? The question gets a lot of attention in a time of major demographic and technological change. The count-down to the ILO’s centenary celebrations has started, and the Nordics want to contribute – but how?
Ragnhild Lied – Head of Nordic trade unions guarding the Nordic model
Globalisation, technological developments and a changing labour market are all challenges to organised work. Trade union leader Ragnhild Lied is at the frontline fighting labour market crime, the shadow economy, new organisational structures and the weakening of the working environment act.
The ILO’s Deborah Greenfield: In dialogue with the Nordics on gender equality
Deborah Greenfield was part of the transitional administration from Bush to Obama. Now, as the Deputy Director General, she is about to take the ILO into a new era. Meeting Nordic labour ministers, Deborah Greenfield is impressed with the discussion.
Åland’s Britt Lundberg and Norway's Erna Solberg sharpen Nordic cooperation in 2017
Removing border obstacles in the Nordic region is one of my priorities, proclaimed Britt Lundberg from Åland when she was elected the 2017 President of the Nordic Council during the Council’s Copenhagen session on 3 November. Border obstacles remain a core task for Nordic cooperation. The Norwegian Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers will continue to make it a priority in 2017.

Document Actions

Map cooperation Nordic cross-border co-operation

Map made by Nordregio, Johanna Roto

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Co-operation in the Scandinavian languages:


Danish: Samarbeid

Norwegian: Samarbeid

Swedish: Samarbete


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