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Articles on the role of education in the work environment.

Would-be exchange students losing out

Would-be exchange students losing out

International experience is important in a lot of occupations, but for many, the corona pandemic has left the dream of a colourful CV in tatters.

Would-be exchange students losing out - Read More…

Which student cities do students prefer?

Which student cities do students prefer?

What are students most and least happy with in 10 Nordic student cities? Statistics Norway have used data from the Eurostudent VI survey to compare students’ situations in different countries.

Which student cities do students prefer? - Read More…

Christer Holmlund: Teachers' psychological strain a theme for NLS

Christer Holmlund: Teachers' psychological strain a theme for NLS

With the reopening of Nordic schools post-Corona, there needs to be more focus on teachers’ working conditions. They made a big digital leap with distance learning and this has been tiring, says Christer Holmlund, the new Secretary-General for NLS, the Nordic Teachers’ Union.

Christer Holmlund: Teachers' psychological strain a theme for NLS - Read More…

Nordic students in Europe fall victim to physical land borders

Nordic students in Europe fall victim to physical land borders

An entire generation Nordic students have grown up in a borderless Europe. Thousands are studying in other European countries. Most went back home in March as old borders started being reinstated because of the coronavirus.

Nordic students in Europe fall victim to physical land borders - Read More…

Less part-time work to secure more “warm hands”

Less part-time work to secure more “warm hands”

A major and urgent lack of trained social and health care assistants – so-called SOSUs – has led to a heated debate over the widespread use of part-time jobs in Denmark’s social and health care sector.

Less part-time work to secure more “warm hands” - Read More…

Swedish assistant nurses want higher status through legal recognition

Swedish assistant nurses want higher status through legal recognition

Assistant nurse is one of the most common professions in Sweden. 180 000 out of a total of 200 000 workers in elderly care are assistant nurses, but unlike their other Nordic colleagues, their profession is not regulated. Making this happen has long been a trade union demand and right now legislation is being prepared which might give them a protected title.

Swedish assistant nurses want higher status through legal recognition - Read More…

New agreement for education on the Cap of the North

New agreement for education on the Cap of the North

The Arctic Vocational Foundation has secured funding from Sweden, Finland and Norway for a further four years of vocational training for youths. A total of 285 youths will be trained every year.

New agreement for education on the Cap of the North - Read More…

Nordic project: why do so few girls want to become engineers?

Nordic project: why do so few girls want to become engineers?

Many future jobs will be centred around digitalisation, the development of artificial intelligence and robots, and biotechnology. But far too few girls chose to study the subjects that are relevant to these areas. The Nordic labour ministers want to know why.

Nordic project: why do so few girls want to become engineers? - Read More…

New PIAAC study coming up – to measure abilities among adults

The knowledge gap between high and low skilled workers widens over the course of a working life. One way of bridging the gap is securing more knowledge about where the strength and weaknesses lie in lifelong learning. This is the reason for the second round of the OECD’s PIAAC study, which looks at literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills in adults.

New PIAAC study coming up – to measure abilities among adults - Read More…

Skills and fair distribution a precondition for digitalisation

Skills and fair distribution a precondition for digitalisation

Nordic people are keen to adopt new technology at work. The region is leading the way. The challenge is making sure workers get the chance to adapt to new skills, how to organise skills development and who should pay. We need better systems to handle the challenges, said Ylva Johansson at the recent conference on the Future of Work in Stockholm.

Skills and fair distribution a precondition for digitalisation - Read More…

Can continuously learning save Finland’s future competences needs?

Can continuously learning save Finland’s future competences needs?

In Finland, experts are looking at education policies and more for solutions to the future labour market’s challenges. A government-appointed panel has presented its first report, ‘Ett ständigt lärande Finland’ (Finland – a country of continuous learning) – which has been subject to criticism from trade unions for being light on concrete measures.

Can continuously learning save Finland’s future competences needs? - Read More…

OsloMet’s Rector Curt Rice wants to shake up academia

OsloMet’s Rector Curt Rice wants to shake up academia

Oslo has a new university, the third largest in Norway. OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, will educate the future labour force across a range of professions. If Rector gets his way, gender equality will permeate everything. Digitalisation will be a top priority and programmes will be developed at the intersection of research, teaching and practice.

OsloMet’s Rector Curt Rice wants to shake up academia - Read More…

Norwegian technical studies recruitment a model for Nordic universities

Norwegian technical studies recruitment a model for Nordic universities

A considerable proportion of girls choose not to study sciences and technology. The Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU in Trondheim has chosen to hold several fairs to recruit girls. The rest of the Nordics will follow, the “girl agents” say.

Norwegian technical studies recruitment a model for Nordic universities - Read More…

Students in Danish vocational schools need to expand their vision

Students in Danish vocational schools need to expand their vision

19 year old Marcus Brask Nielsen spent four weeks in London studying and in an internship as part of his vocational education. It boosted his self-confidence and gave him courage to work abroad. Many other students in vocational training stay at home, and this worries schools and the social partners.

Students in Danish vocational schools need to expand their vision - Read More…

Continuing education gets huge push from Danish government and social partners

The Danish government and the social partners have agreed to spend nearly 2.5 billion Danish kroner (€335m) on continuing education for more workers. The agreement has broad political backing, but one labour market expert wonders whether it goes far enough.

Continuing education gets huge push from Danish government and social partners - Read More…

The necessary skills at the right time

Finding a good match is not always easy, especially in the labour market. As the labour market is transforming at lightning speed, the need for skills increases. The opportunity to get adult and continuing education becomes equally important. But how to do it? The Nordic Labour Journal looks at possibilities and practice in the Nordic region.

The necessary skills at the right time - Read More…

“Only the labour market knows which skills are needed”

“Only the labour market knows which skills are needed”

Swedish employers are in desperate need of people to fill positions within many different occupations. Meanwhile, more than 340,000 people are registered with the employment service. The problem is that the job seekers’ knowledge often does not match the needs of the employer.

“Only the labour market knows which skills are needed” - Read More…

Fitness industry seeks millennium-old skills – and knowledge of how to become bootylicious

Fitness industry seeks millennium-old skills – and knowledge of how to become bootylicious

More than four million Nordic citizens are members of gyms like Sats Elixia. As a result, the demand for skilled instructors is considerable. We joined one student of theology, one accountant and one brand expert in their spinning, yoga and shape classes.

Fitness industry seeks millennium-old skills – and knowledge of how to become bootylicious - Read More…

How Sats Elixia works to secure the right competency

How Sats Elixia works to secure the right competency

Competency is a moving target, since the knowledge needed to manage a job always changes. In the fitness and exercise industry this is doubly true. Not only does one trend replace another. Competency also often means knowing the right movements and how to make people move.

How Sats Elixia works to secure the right competency - Read More…

How do you motivate adult Danes to retrain?

How do you motivate adult Danes to retrain?

The Danish adult and continuing education system is being reorganised in order to get more Danes to choose to take part in continuing training. One in three say they are not interested.

How do you motivate adult Danes to retrain? - Read More…

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Education in Scandinavian:

Danish: Uddannelse

Norwegian: Utdannelse

Swedish: Utbildning

Education in focus:
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