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Articles on youth and employment.

Lack of positive expectations an obstacle when young people with psychological problems seek work

Lack of positive expectations an obstacle when young people with psychological problems seek work

(Mar 01, 2017) “I was furious over the way I was treated in school when I told the teachers that I was mentally ill. The entire school system reacted by completely removing any demands on me. Any expectations of me achieving anything at all, and succeeding with anything, completely disappeared,” says Adrian Lorentsson.

Can cafés of influence and democracy heroes make us feel better?

Can cafés of influence and democracy heroes make us feel better?

(Mar 01, 2017) One in five children and young people are struggling mentally. And the problems have been on the increase in all of the Nordic countries in recent years. That is the backdrop for a Nordic summit on mental health in Oslo.

Camilla Stoltenberg: Nordics should cooperate to improve young people’s mental health

(Feb 28, 2017) The Nordic countries should get together and create ambitious goals to improve young people’s psychological well-being, argues Camilla Stoltenberg, professor and Director-General of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Young people’s recipe for smoother cross-border movement

Young people’s recipe for smoother cross-border movement

(Sep 16, 2016) The Nordic region needs to project a hipper image to young people, educational institutions must become more similar in nature and job opportunities more visible if you want to improve cross-border movement. That was the challenge from young people during a debate on the future of mobility and cooperation in the Nordic region on 25 and 26 August.

Marginalised youths on the labour ministers’ agenda

Marginalised youths on the labour ministers’ agenda

(Nov 27, 2015) “No youths should be left to their own devices for longer periods of time,” Danish Noemi Katznelson told Nordic labour ministers when she presented her latest research in Copenhagen recently. Marginalised youths and work were the themes for discussion between the ministers and the social partners, with a focus on preventative measures against unemployment.

Nordregio: Young Icelanders shy away from traditional occupations

Nordregio: Young Icelanders shy away from traditional occupations

(Nov 24, 2015) Icelandic youths are not interested in a future career in agriculture or fisheries. The only animals they will consider looking after in the future are pets. They would rather become coaches or work in the fitness sector, according to a fresh study from Nordregio which has mapped the future perspectives of young people in the Arctic.

Nordic comparative report: Youths loosing their footing

Nordic comparative report: Youths loosing their footing

(Oct 22, 2015) The share of youths who loose their footing is increasing in all of the Nordic countries. Although youth unemployment is a major problem, decision makers should make a more concerted effort to identify and support those most at risk.

Youth unemployment at the Economic Forum: how to solve it?

Youth unemployment at the Economic Forum: how to solve it?

(Sep 29, 2015) What is needed to make sure young people can find a proper job, allowing them to make a decent living? Youth unemployment hits the Nordic countries and other European countries in different ways, but it remains a major challenge for all of them. Is the youth guarantee the solution? What is the answer?

A space for Nordjobb?

(Jun 22, 2015) “Ambitions are often bigger than the results when it comes to Nordic cooperation, but that does not change the fact that the dogma is alive and well. And so is the feeling that we still have something valuable which should be looked after, nurtured and developed. So there is something at the core of all this,” says Poul Nielson in Portrait. Perhaps a perspective worth a thought as the Nordic Labour Journal focuses on Nordjobb.

Many different experiences await Nordjobb participants

Many different experiences await Nordjobb participants

(Jun 22, 2015) Young people travel across the Nordic region to work with tourists, weed spinach fields and public parks or pack prawns in Greenland — all thanks to Nordjobb. And the experiences are all unique.

Busy days when Nordjobb people flocked to Norway in the 80s

Busy days when Nordjobb people flocked to Norway in the 80s

(Jun 22, 2015) “Wow! Has it already been 30 years since Nordjobb started up!” Eva Jakobson Vaagland, the first Nordjobb project leader in Norway, is surprised when we call her.

Loa Brynjulfsdottir: The Nordic region is my home country

Loa Brynjulfsdottir: The Nordic region is my home country

(Jun 22, 2015) As soon as Loa Brynjulfsdottir was old enough, she applied for a job through Nordjobb. That was in 1990 and the start of many years working through Nordjobb and a strong feeling of Nordic belonging.

A Nordic helping hand to marginalised youths

A Nordic helping hand to marginalised youths

(Apr 15, 2015) A large group of youths are not in education, employment or training - so-called NEETs. There is increased focus across Europe on ways to prevent this group of young people from permanently falling outside of the labour market. The Nordic countries have good experiences with finding, motivating and preparing these youths for work.

An eye for the individual

(Apr 15, 2015) How do you help young people who are loosing their footing as they enter adulthood? How do you motivate youths who are not in education, employment or training find the right track to their future? These were key questions when the Nordic countries recently discussed how to fight youth unemployment.

Building bridges to education helps youths move forward

Building bridges to education helps youths move forward

(Apr 15, 2015) Denmark has had success supporting marginalised youths to make sure they get an education. Mentor support, teaching and help finding apprenticeships makes the difficult transition into studies and work easier.

A bridge to education across Denmark

(Apr 15, 2015) The Danish project of building bridges to education for marginalised youths has proved so promising that it is now being rolled out across the whole of Denmark on a permanent basis.

Motivation key to get marginalised youths into education

(Apr 15, 2015) Measures aimed at helping young people into jobs and education should support the youths’ own inner motivation. To do that you need to realise that young, marginalised people are very different from each other, says a Danish youth researcher and author of a new book on motivation.

New concept at Sweden’s employment service gains young people’s trust

New concept at Sweden’s employment service gains young people’s trust

(Apr 15, 2015) Good treatment and rapid measures targeted at the needs of young unemployed people, good coordination between municipalities and the public employment service — a proven way of achieving progress. The concept was developed in the project ‘Unga in’ and is carried forward in UNGKOMP.

Iceland’s Starfatorgið: 50 percent found jobs or started studying

Iceland’s Starfatorgið: 50 percent found jobs or started studying

(Apr 15, 2015) The financial crisis was tough on young Icelanders. Many were unemployed for so long that they no longer qualified for unemployment benefit, only welfare money. Between 2012 and 2014 they were sent to Starfatorgið (‘the labour exchange’). Over half of the young people participating in Starfatorgið got a job or started studying.

Estonians are returning home

Estonians are returning home

(Apr 15, 2015) The Baltic states are loosing active citizens fast, but in Estonia the authorities have started counting them back in.

Document Actions

Youth in focus:

Youth in Scandinavian:

Danish: ungdom

Norwegian: ungdom

Swedish: ungdom

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