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Articles on youth and employment.

ILO warns of global employment crisis

ILO warns of global employment crisis

(Jan 25, 2012) The economic crisis which began in 2008 has turned into a global employment crisis. 27 million people have become unemployed since the start of the downturn. 400 million jobs must be created in the next decade in order to keep up with an increasing global population.

New Norwegian drive to find jobs for people with impaired work abilities

New Norwegian drive to find jobs for people with impaired work abilities

(Oct 12, 2011) Organisations for people with disabilities along with the social partners didn’t hold back their praise when Norway’s Minister for Labour Hanne Bjurstrøm and Minister for Children, Equality and Social Inclusion Audun Lysbakken presented their ‘Job strategy for people with impaired work ability‘ during the presentation of Norway’s 2012 budget on 6 October.

Riots highlight Manchester’s unemployed underclass

Riots highlight Manchester’s unemployed underclass

(Sep 07, 2011) What made hundreds of youths run amok in Manchester and other UK cities in August? Debate has been fierce in the weeks following riots that cost five lives and millions of pounds in damages. The political right blames a moral collapse, the left blames budget cuts and social deprivation. In Manchester the riots have led to a renewed focus on the large and growing gap between the rich and poor.

Challenge to Finland's health sector "not due to lack of resources”

Challenge to Finland's health sector "not due to lack of resources”

(Mar 07, 2011) Finland's health and social care sector is facing major challenges. But this is not about a lack of resources. Systems and processes need an overhaul to allow doctors and nurses to work with what they have been trained for: to take care of people, Finland's Minister of Social Affairs and Health Juha Rehula tells Nordic Labour Journal.

Coaches compete for the unemployed Swedes

Coaches compete for the unemployed Swedes

(Dec 03, 2010) The Swedish government has charged the Public Employment Service with procuring coaches worth 1.1bn Kronor (€12m) for the year 2009. This created a fast growing market for coaching. Today 900 businesses have a contract with the employment service. The contracts don't guarantee any customers, however, and the businesses offering coaches must do their own marketing.

Meeting of Nordic Labour Ministers: Turning point for youth politics

(Dec 01, 2010) How do you reach youths who are not in education nor employment? How do you motivate youth to finish their education? How do you secure a safe transition between school and working life? These were among the questions when labour ministers met to discuss youth unemployment in Copenhagen on 25 November.

OECD: the most exposed young must get help now

(Oct 03, 2010) "If we want to avoid a generation of unemployed, it's time to help the most exposed to get jobs or education. In the long term we need structural measures to improve the basic system," says Stefano Scarpetta, the OECD's deputy director for employment, labour and social affairs.

Theme: Extending a helping hand to the jobless

Theme: Extending a helping hand to the jobless

(Oct 03, 2010)  

Finland's Anni Sinnemäki: passionate about an individually tailored welfare system

Finland's Anni Sinnemäki: passionate about an individually tailored welfare system

(Aug 31, 2010) Finland's Minister of Labour wants to make individuals visible. Young people should not be seen as a uniform group but as separate people with different needs. In Finland a lot of time has been spent analysing each person's situation, and as a result, she says, the state can offer more rational measures tailored to the individual's needs.

Denmark's massive bid for youth employment and education

Denmark's massive bid for youth employment and education

(Jul 01, 2010) Fighting youth unemployment is a top priority in Denmark. A range of new measures are in place to get more young people into education.

Youth unemployment: Iceland fights on many fronts

Youth unemployment: Iceland fights on many fronts

(Jul 01, 2010) Unemployment used to be a relatively unknown phenomenon in Iceland. But it skyrocketed with the 2008 financial collapse.

Employers offered wage subsidies to hire young people in Finland

Employers offered wage subsidies to hire young people in Finland

(Jul 01, 2010) Finland's youth unemployment exploded last winter and is now nearly level with that of Spain. The government woke up to the fact in late spring and has introduced wage subsidies targeted at young school leavers and those who cannot find a job.

Iceland's 0utdated benefit system

(Jul 01, 2010) The Icelandic Prime Minister, Johanna Sigurdardottir, used her National Day speech to point out that most households were still struggling with the fallout of the 2008 economic collapse.

Italy's young hope to work before they're old

Italy's young hope to work before they're old

(Jul 01, 2010) The path from higher education to a steady job is particularly painful in Italy. Many quit their studies or end up in long-term unemployment at the end of their studies. Teacher Francesca Seguela is happy to have a few hours of summer work after spending months unemployed.

OECD: Urgent measures needed to fight youth unemployment

OECD: Urgent measures needed to fight youth unemployment

(Jul 01, 2010) Youth unemployment is rising dramatically and the trend is set to continue in 2011 according to the OECD. At the G20 meeting of labour ministers Stefano Scarpetta encouraged governments to act immediately. The first thing to do, he said, is to make sure youths have something to live off while they're unemployed.

The hidden costs of youth unemployment

(Jul 01, 2010) Youth unemployment creates scars which follow people for the rest of their lives. One of the hidden costs of being unemployed when you're young is that decades later you take home less money than those who weren't unemployed when they were young. There is also the higher risk of becoming unemployed again, and many unemployed youths become marginalised with no links to work or school.

Red cabinet member - impatient in the long run

Red cabinet member - impatient in the long run

(Jun 30, 2010) Audun Lysbakken swears that it is he - and not the media - who will set the agenda for his ministry's work. That means working on long-term, preventative measures to avoid people becoming social outsiders - results of which will not show up on statistics for another 10 to 15 years.

Labour ministers up the fight to prevent a lost generation

Labour ministers up the fight to prevent a lost generation

(Nov 26, 2009) How do you fight youth unemployment? That was the theme when Nordic labour ministers met in Reykjavik in November. One in five European youths is unemployed. There is fear of a lost generation. The Nordic countries focus on education and help on an individual level to help young people into working life.

The need for a comprehensive youth policy

(Nov 25, 2009) Labour ministers want an overview of all measures targeted at youth across all policy areas in the Nordic countries.

Tailored and targeted measures to help young Danes

Tailored and targeted measures to help young Danes

(Oct 26, 2009) Denmark is launching a tailored and targeted drive for 15 to 17 year-olds to get them into education or work. The Danish government plans to spend 1.25 billion Kroner (€170 million) over three years to see the plan through. But the Danish Confederation of Trade Unions says a threat to cut youth benefits is a slap in the face of the weakest families.

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Youth in focus:

Youth in Scandinavian:

Danish: ungdom

Norwegian: ungdom

Swedish: ungdom

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