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Articles on employment in chronological order.

”Trade unions must organise people working though platforms”

The sharing economy represents a challenge to the labour market as we know it. In the face of this development, the Swedish trade union Unionen has just entered an agreement with German IG Metall. The aim is to find tools for how to organise the growing part of the labour force which works through online platforms.

”Trade unions must organise people working though platforms” - Read More…

The core idea of labour law is under threat

The core idea of labour law is to protect the weaker party in an employment relation. This is increasingly under attack from market-led thinking where the main aim is to create opportunities for everyone to get a job.

The core idea of labour law is under threat - Read More…

When the welfare state falls short: Is social entrepreneurship the solution?

When the welfare state falls short: Is social entrepreneurship the solution?

Social entrepreneurship and social innovation could help develop the Nordic welfare models, says Norway’s Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion Anniken Hauglie. These are issues she would like to promote when Norway takes on the presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2017.

When the welfare state falls short: Is social entrepreneurship the solution? - Read More…

Finland’s changing labour market

Finland is struggling to emerge from the economic crisis, and it is being felt in the labour market. Only one in ten Finns believe the situation will improve this year. Nearly half of them believe things will get worse, according to a working life barometre from the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy.

Finland’s changing labour market - Read More…

Opening the labour market for vulnerable citizens

One hour’s work a week is better than nothing. That is the thinking behind the major drive in recent years to get vulnerable Danes into the labour market. New research shows businesses are ready to create small jobs for vulnerable groups.

Opening the labour market for vulnerable citizens - Read More…

Nordregio: Young Icelanders shy away from traditional occupations

Nordregio: Young Icelanders shy away from traditional occupations

Icelandic youths are not interested in a future career in agriculture or fisheries. The only animals they will consider looking after in the future are pets. They would rather become coaches or work in the fitness sector, according to a fresh study from Nordregio which has mapped the future perspectives of young people in the Arctic.

Nordregio: Young Icelanders shy away from traditional occupations - Read More…

Youth unemployment at the Economic Forum: how to solve it?

Youth unemployment at the Economic Forum: how to solve it?

What is needed to make sure young people can find a proper job, allowing them to make a decent living? Youth unemployment hits the Nordic countries and other European countries in different ways, but it remains a major challenge for all of them. Is the youth guarantee the solution? What is the answer?

Youth unemployment at the Economic Forum: how to solve it? - Read More…

Jari Lindström: The Minister of Employment who switched sides

Jari Lindström: The Minister of Employment who switched sides

A few years ago Jari Lindström was an unemployed paper mill worker in an industrial town with no future. Today he is Minister of Justice and Employment in the Finnish government planning considerable benefit cuts. Lindström has been forced to defend decisions he was fighting against not long ago.

Jari Lindström: The Minister of Employment who switched sides - Read More…

Labour market and gender: tough challenges for Finland’s new government

Labour market and gender: tough challenges for Finland’s new government

Negotiations to form a new government in Finland are over and the new government ministers in the three party coalition are ready to start the job of lifting the country out of the economic crisis. For the past ten years there has been plenty of political activity but the results have not materialised. Labour market reform is one of the most difficult issues.

Labour market and gender: tough challenges for Finland’s new government - Read More…

New comparative Nordic research measures adult competencies

For the first time ever there is a Nordic version of the OECD’s Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, PIAAC. PIAAC was first published in 2013. The survey comprises comparative data from 24 countries.

New comparative Nordic research measures adult competencies - Read More…

Numeracy, not literacy, most important in working life

Numeracy, not literacy, most important in working life

Numeracy is more important for participating in working life than previously thought. An OECD assessment of adult competencies shows that being bad at maths increases the risk of unemployment and influences wage levels.

Numeracy, not literacy, most important in working life - Read More…

An eye for the individual

How do you help young people who are loosing their footing as they enter adulthood? How do you motivate youths who are not in education, employment or training find the right track to their future? These were key questions when the Nordic countries recently discussed how to fight youth unemployment.

An eye for the individual - Read More…

Building bridges to education helps youths move forward

Building bridges to education helps youths move forward

Denmark has had success supporting marginalised youths to make sure they get an education. Mentor support, teaching and help finding apprenticeships makes the difficult transition into studies and work easier.

Building bridges to education helps youths move forward - Read More…

A bridge to education across Denmark

The Danish project of building bridges to education for marginalised youths has proved so promising that it is now being rolled out across the whole of Denmark on a permanent basis.

A bridge to education across Denmark - Read More…

Motivation key to get marginalised youths into education

Measures aimed at helping young people into jobs and education should support the youths’ own inner motivation. To do that you need to realise that young, marginalised people are very different from each other, says a Danish youth researcher and author of a new book on motivation.

Motivation key to get marginalised youths into education - Read More…

New concept at Sweden’s employment service gains young people’s trust

New concept at Sweden’s employment service gains young people’s trust

Good treatment and rapid measures targeted at the needs of young unemployed people, good coordination between municipalities and the public employment service — a proven way of achieving progress. The concept was developed in the project ‘Unga in’ and is carried forward in UNGKOMP.

New concept at Sweden’s employment service gains young people’s trust - Read More…

Iceland’s Starfatorgið: 50 percent found jobs or started studying

Iceland’s Starfatorgið: 50 percent found jobs or started studying

The financial crisis was tough on young Icelanders. Many were unemployed for so long that they no longer qualified for unemployment benefit, only welfare money. Between 2012 and 2014 they were sent to Starfatorgið (‘the labour exchange’). Over half of the young people participating in Starfatorgið got a job or started studying.

Iceland’s Starfatorgið: 50 percent found jobs or started studying - Read More…

Estonians are returning home

Estonians are returning home

The Baltic states are loosing active citizens fast, but in Estonia the authorities have started counting them back in.

Estonians are returning home - Read More…

Minimum wage could be on ETUC congress agenda

Minimum wage could be on ETUC congress agenda

Nearly all European countries have now introduced a statutory minimum wage. At the end of 2014 Germany introduced a minimum wage of €8.50 an hour. But the Nordic countries are sticking to their agreement model.

Minimum wage could be on ETUC congress agenda - Read More…

New tendencies are focusing minds

The OECD leaves little doubt that the Nordic region has come through the crisis better than most other countries, with low unemployment, high employment and little inequality. But take nothing for granted. New tendencies are focusing minds. Organised labour is under pressure while the sharing economy spreads at an ever faster rate. The Nordic Labour Journal checks out the facts.

New tendencies are focusing minds - Read More…

Document Actions

Employment rate 2020 Nordic Local Labour Markets

Map made by Nordregio, Johanna Roto

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Employment in Scandinavian languages:

Danish: Beskæftigelse

Norwegian: Sysselsetting

Swedish: Sysselsättning

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