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Articles on employment in chronological order.

The North Sea Diver – working under pressure

The North Sea Diver – working under pressure

There are few stories describing working life in Norway’s offshore oil industry, despite the massive impact the sector has had on the country’s economy. Now a new book details one of most remarkable new occupations that emerged from the industry – the deep sea divers. The author is Swedish Hans Claesson.

The North Sea Diver – working under pressure - Read More…

Greenland needs new jobs and foreign labour

Greenland needs new jobs and foreign labour

There is an urgent need to create new jobs in Greenland’s mining and tourism industries. At the same time more foreign labour is needed, say the social partners.

Greenland needs new jobs and foreign labour - Read More…

Iceland’s tourism becomes a hot environmental topic

Iceland’s tourism becomes a hot environmental topic

Tourists drowning at sea. Tourists dying in bus accidents. Tourists driving illegally off road and getting stuck in the middle of an active geothermal area. They do serious damage to nature just to post pictures of themselves and their tyre tracks on social media.

Iceland’s tourism becomes a hot environmental topic - Read More…

How to get Danes to retire later – like Norwegians and Swedes do

Norwegians and Swedes retire later than their Danish neighbours, partly because their pensions keep growing with each extra year they spend in the labour market. This is one of the 11 good reasons a new report highlights for Denmark to learn from what Sweden and Norway do.

How to get Danes to retire later – like Norwegians and Swedes do - Read More…

Statistics Sweden: new statistics on how different immigrant groups manage in the Nordics

Statistics Sweden (SCB) and its Nordic opposites have begun producing comparable statistics on how immigrants manage in the labour market, divided into country of origin.

Statistics Sweden: new statistics on how different immigrant groups manage in the Nordics - Read More…

OECD: Politicians put too much trust in the GDP

Do we have the necessary statistics to govern our societies in the best possible way? Or is a blind trust in statistics to blame, at least indirectly, for the collapse in trust in authorities after the financial crisis? Before dismissing this as a conspiracy – the theory was presented by none other than the OECD.

OECD: Politicians put too much trust in the GDP - Read More…

The OECD wants action now: Opportunities for all is the new measure of success

The OECD wants action now: Opportunities for all is the new measure of success

Inequalities are growing. We have plenty of data telling us that – now is the time for action, says the OECD’s Gabriela Ramos.

The OECD wants action now: Opportunities for all is the new measure of success - Read More…

Jon Erik Dølvik: Technology easily blinds us, yet we can shape our own future of work

Jon Erik Dølvik: Technology easily blinds us, yet we can shape our own future of work

He does not use the analogy himself, but when Jon Erik Dølvik talks about the future of work it sounds as if he is talking about the Gulf Stream. When researching whether the Nordic model can manage challenges like automation, globalisation and the platform economy, he is mostly interested in how the flow of capital affects employment.

Jon Erik Dølvik: Technology easily blinds us, yet we can shape our own future of work - Read More…

Future of Work

Future of Work

We need better systems to handle the challenges, said Swedish Minister of Labour Ylva Johansson at the recent conference on the Future of Work in Stockholm. 14 percent of jobs in OECD countries are at high risk of becoming automated, while a further 32 percent of jobs will change radically.

Future of Work - Read More…

Gender equality money to draw people to professions with labour shortages

Gender equality money to draw people to professions with labour shortages

Region Gotland has decided to set aside extra money for this year’s wage review to fill the pay gap and to help professions facing labour shortages. The hope is that the right money can get existing workers to stay and tempt new ones to come and work on the island.

Gender equality money to draw people to professions with labour shortages - Read More…

Innovation – a must for inclusion

The economy is improving across Europe, giving hope to Europe’s young. But it is not enough: To include young people in work and education, change is needed. The Nordic Labour Journal illustrates how fresh knowledge combined with structural changes can give vulnerable youths the chance to blossom and young entrepreneurs possibilities to grow.

Innovation – a must for inclusion - Read More…

Swedish cooperation could half time it takes youths and newly arrived to find work

It takes foreign born jobseekers less time to enter the Swedish labour market than it used to. But some, especially women and people with lower education, still face major challenges. Cooperation on a local level between the Employment Service and municipalities could help.

Swedish cooperation could half time it takes youths and newly arrived to find work - Read More…

How private investors could make money from integrating immigrants in Finland

How private investors could make money from integrating immigrants in Finland

Finland is the first Nordic country to adopt the model where private investments are being used for social programmes. So-called Social Impact Bonds, or SIBs, also help private investors fund employment programmes for immigrants. If the private players manage to do better than the public sector, they will be rewarded.

How private investors could make money from integrating immigrants in Finland - Read More…

No Isolation – creating new jobs to cover ancient needs

No Isolation – creating new jobs to cover ancient needs

There is a reindustrialisation taking place in the middle of Oslo. Three young people have started their own business, making products as well-designed as anything coming out of Apple.

No Isolation – creating new jobs to cover ancient needs - Read More…

EU youth unemployment: Some jobs are worse than being unemployed

EU youth unemployment: Some jobs are worse than being unemployed

Nine years after the start of the economic crisis in Europe, several EU countries are struggling to lift millions of youths out of unemployment and idleness. The youth guarantee, which the EU promised would get young people back on their feet, has so far produced no miracles.

EU youth unemployment: Some jobs are worse than being unemployed - Read More…

Strong numbers for the Nordic labour market

The Nordic labour markets remain strong and unemployment is at its lowest level for the past three years in all of the Nordic countries. The numbers vary from 2.9 to 8.6 percent, but four of the five countries expect unemployment to fall further, according to the Nordic Economic Outlook 2017.

Strong numbers for the Nordic labour market - Read More…

What does a stint in jail mean for getting a job?

What does a stint in jail mean for getting a job?

A new study compares employment of previous inmates in four Nordic countries up until five years after their release. The aim has been to see whether former inmates in certain countries are more successful in finding work, and whether this is a result of the work of the correctional services or labour market measures.

What does a stint in jail mean for getting a job? - Read More…

Lack of positive expectations an obstacle when young people with psychological problems seek work

Lack of positive expectations an obstacle when young people with psychological problems seek work

“I was furious over the way I was treated in school when I told the teachers that I was mentally ill. The entire school system reacted by completely removing any demands on me. Any expectations of me achieving anything at all, and succeeding with anything, completely disappeared,” says Adrian Lorentsson.

Lack of positive expectations an obstacle when young people with psychological problems seek work - Read More…

OECD on Finland: Easy to get another job

Unemployment is high at over eight percent. But it is relatively easy to get another equivalent job. That is often forgotten in Finland. Thank the level of education for that! This is how leading daily Helsingin Sanomat comments the OECD’s fresh country report.

OECD on Finland: Easy to get another job - Read More…

ILO: The future labour market in dire straits, time for action

ILO: The future labour market in dire straits, time for action

There is trouble ahead for the future labour market: global growth is falling, jobs are disappearing, employment contracts are changing, inequality is on the rise and the middle classes are no longer growing. But not everything points in a negative direction, and according to Finland’s Minister of Justice and Employment we can influence developments.

ILO: The future labour market in dire straits, time for action - Read More…

Document Actions

Employment rate 2020 Nordic Local Labour Markets

Map made by Nordregio, Johanna Roto

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Employment in Scandinavian languages:

Danish: Beskæftigelse

Norwegian: Sysselsetting

Swedish: Sysselsättning

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