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Articles on employment in chronological order.

Swedish youths’ first job in Norway

Swedish youths’ first job in Norway

Anyone moving to another Nordic country must have some money - the first pay check doesn’t come immediately, but the living costs do. In Norway you normally have to pay a three months’ deposit on top of the first month’s rent - enough to stop many young people in their tracks.

Swedish youths’ first job in Norway - Read More…

Nordic report: ‘Youth on the edge’ the greatest problem

Nordic youth unemployment figures between 10 and 25 percent are bad enough. Even more alarming is the fact that 5 to 10 percent of Nordic 15 to 24 year olds are not in education, work or training. This problem has risen during the latest economic crisis.

Nordic report: ‘Youth on the edge’ the greatest problem - Read More…

Denmark’s rapidly growing youth unemployment must come down

Unemployment among young Danes has trebled in four years, and the government promises action despite an initial breakdown in negotiations between the social partners on a youth initiative.

Denmark’s rapidly growing youth unemployment must come down - Read More…

Youth on the edge

Youth on the edge

Youth unemployment is a big problem in the Nordic region. Most exposed are those who have neither jobs nor are they in any kind of education. Many youths move to a different Nordic country to work. But so far this has not helped those who are unemployed. This summer the Nordic exchange programme Nordjobb launches ‘Jobbresan’ (the Job Journey).

Youth on the edge - Read More…

Unemployment can be defined away

The definition of employment and unemployment differs from country to country. A comparative historical perspective shows the political context - how the problem is presented and how its constituent parts change - steers our understanding. The standard views of employment are no longer relevant in countries like the US or France, according to social historian Noel Whiteside.

Unemployment can be defined away - Read More…

Editorial: The good life as a centenarian

The good life as a centenarian is so far reserved for the very few, but this year the first post war generation turns 67. This is a watershed. Already in 2017 there will be fewer people in work than outside of work. Active ageing has never been more relevant.

Editorial: The good life as a centenarian - Read More…

Active old age and solidarity between generations

Active old age and solidarity between generations

Never before has so many lived for so long and been so healthy into such old age. In a few years there will be far more centenarians and people who will live for 20 to 30 years past their retirement age. Is Europe ready?

Active old age and solidarity between generations - Read More…

Older people to be encouraged to work for longer

Older people to be encouraged to work for longer

More people must be encouraged to work into older age and we should also be prepared to retrain or change professions or careers during our working lives. That was the message from Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt a few days before the ‘Northern Future Forum’ gathered nine European leaders in Stockholm.

Older people to be encouraged to work for longer - Read More…

Myths dominate attitudes to older people in the workplace

Myths dominate attitudes to older people in the workplace

The notion that older people take jobs from the young simply isn’t true. Axel Börsch-Supan, a director at the German Max Planck Institute, debunks the myths surrounding older people in work.

Myths dominate attitudes to older people in the workplace - Read More…

Flexitime key to a longer working life

Flexitime key to a longer working life

People are interested in working for longer as long as they are allowed to adapt their jobs to fit their abilities. A new survey shows flexible work solutions increases interest in working for longer. In Finland the research is supported by real life experience.

Flexitime key to a longer working life - Read More…

Half of older Icelanders are still working

Half of older Icelanders are still working

Older Icelanders enjoy working and do so for longer than other older people in the Nordic region, the Baltics and the UK. Being active in the labour market is highly valued among the Icelandic.

Half of older Icelanders are still working - Read More…

OECD: health sector Finland’s problem

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s economic survey of Finland shows the country has done well during the debt crisis which has hit many Eurozone members. The country is not facing any imminent crisis, but needs a comprehensive reform of the state health sector.

OECD: health sector Finland’s problem - Read More…

ILO warns of global employment crisis

ILO warns of global employment crisis

The economic crisis which began in 2008 has turned into a global employment crisis. 27 million people have become unemployed since the start of the downturn. 400 million jobs must be created in the next decade in order to keep up with an increasing global population.

ILO warns of global employment crisis - Read More…

Focus on the working ability of people with disabilities

Focus on the working ability of people with disabilities

A new Danish campaign aims to get more people with disabilities into work by getting job centres, businesses and people with disabilities themselves to look for opportunities rather than obstacles.

Focus on the working ability of people with disabilities - Read More…

New Norwegian drive to find jobs for people with impaired work abilities

New Norwegian drive to find jobs for people with impaired work abilities

Organisations for people with disabilities along with the social partners didn’t hold back their praise when Norway’s Minister for Labour Hanne Bjurstrøm and Minister for Children, Equality and Social Inclusion Audun Lysbakken presented their ‘Job strategy for people with impaired work ability‘ during the presentation of Norway’s 2012 budget on 6 October.

New Norwegian drive to find jobs for people with impaired work abilities - Read More…

Helle Thorning-Schmidt: Danes must work more

More people must work more, productivity must increase and salaries will freeze. These are central elements to Denmark’s new centre-left government’s labour market policy, which has been relatively well received by both employers’ and workers’ organisations.

Helle Thorning-Schmidt: Danes must work more - Read More…

Iceland’s Gudbjartur Hannesson puts people’s welfare first during the crisis

Iceland’s Gudbjartur Hannesson puts people’s welfare first during the crisis

We have learnt that a state welfare system is immensely important and a prerequisite for a healthy working life, says Island’s Minister for Welfare Gudbjartur Hannesson. That is why protecting our welfare system has been given top priority during the crisis.

Iceland’s Gudbjartur Hannesson puts people’s welfare first during the crisis - Read More…

Riots highlight Manchester’s unemployed underclass

Riots highlight Manchester’s unemployed underclass

What made hundreds of youths run amok in Manchester and other UK cities in August? Debate has been fierce in the weeks following riots that cost five lives and millions of pounds in damages. The political right blames a moral collapse, the left blames budget cuts and social deprivation. In Manchester the riots have led to a renewed focus on the large and growing gap between the rich and poor.

Riots highlight Manchester’s unemployed underclass - Read More…

Large differences in work environments and health among Danish workers

A new major survey exposes marked changes both for the better and for the worse in how Danes experience their own work environment and health.

Large differences in work environments and health among Danish workers - Read More…

Language skills - the key that doesn't always fit

Few statements enjoy such broad political agreement in the Nordic countries as this: language skills are key to both integration and working life. All five countries offer immigrants several hundreds of hours of free language courses, but they have chosen different models and put different demands on students.

Language skills - the key that doesn't always fit - Read More…

Document Actions

Employment rate 2020 Nordic Local Labour Markets

Map made by Nordregio, Johanna Roto

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Employment in focus:

Employment in Scandinavian languages:

Danish: Beskæftigelse

Norwegian: Sysselsetting

Swedish: Sysselsättning

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