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Articles on employment in chronological order.

Youth, unemployment and new thinking

Youth, unemployment and new thinking

New thinking is needed if the young generation is to secure the older generation of the future. Youth unemployment is on the rise and is forecasted to continue growing in 2010. For many there is real danger of permanent unemployment. Nordic Labour Journal takes a look at how unemployment affects Nordic youths.

Youth, unemployment and new thinking - Read More…

Iceland's crisis

Iceland's crisis

The money, the assets - have they all evaporated? Once upon a time there was a tiny country - an island - far out at sea, west of Scandinavia, east of the large American continent.

Iceland's crisis - Read More…

Downturn hits youth hardest - Sweden takes undesirable lead

An economic downturn often hits young people fastest and hardest. The current crisis is no exception. The Nordic countries usually boast some of Europe's lowest unemployment figures. Now 27.3 percent of Swedish 15 to 24 year-olds are out of work.

Downturn hits youth hardest - Sweden takes undesirable lead - Read More…

Finland's system of "job alternation" becomes permanent

Finland's system of "job alternation" becomes permanent

The popular Finnish system of "job alternation" will continue. The system proved so popular and efficient the government decided in September to draft a law to make it permanent.

Finland's system of "job alternation" becomes permanent - Read More…

The deaf TV editors

The deaf TV editors

In a crisis those on the peripheries of the labour market suffer the most. Who wants to invest in a deaf or deafblind when the future of the company hangs in the balance? ASVO in Bergen, Norway, does exactly that.

The deaf TV editors - Read More…

Pay cuts - a shortsighted strategy

With the economic downturn unemployment has become a real threat to Nordic workers. Many are prepared to stretch far to keep their jobs, including taking voluntary pay cuts. But pay cuts do not necessarily solve a business' problems, and could prove to be a bottomless pool.

Pay cuts - a shortsighted strategy - Read More…

From outsider to employed

From outsider to employed

Morten Skov Nielsen got a job and lots of self-confidence - and he's growing with the task. ”It's much better than I'd thought”, says 24-year-old Morten Skov Nielsen.

From outsider to employed - Read More…

Social entrepreneurs fighting for outsiders

Social entrepreneurs fighting for outsiders

At Stockholm's “Fryshuset” (the Cold Store) a 25-year-old social entrepreneurship is turning the destructive forces which often plague social outsiders to positive forces and insider status. New methods grow to meet new demands. The aim is to catch youth at risk of falling outside of society, to recognise their potential and believe in their power so that they could stay in school and later enter working life.

Social entrepreneurs fighting for outsiders - Read More…

Employing the last unemployed

Employing the last unemployed

Out of a total of 25 million people in the five Nordic countries, there are now only 422,000 unemployed. April saw the Norwegian unemployment rate plummet to 1.6 per cent. Denmark is close with 1.9 per cent. The numbers for Iceland and Sweden are somewhat higher, with 2.3 and 3.2 per cent. Finland has 6.8 per cent.

Employing the last unemployed - Read More…

Working Nation: The Mindset of the Enterprising Icelanders

The Icelanders are known for being a great working nation. No nation has a larger part of the population in employment at any one time.

Working Nation: The Mindset of the Enterprising Icelanders - Read More…

Reaching the fringes - a more including working place

Reaching the fringes - a more including working place

Never before has the Nordic labour market been in such good shape. 2008 will be the best year ever for newly qualified jobseekers with higher education. But there are still large groups on the fringes of the labour market. These are groups who need a different approach. Denmark trains mentors who look after those in need of special attention.In Sweden, “Fryshuset” tries to stop young people falling outside society.

Reaching the fringes - a more including working place - Read More…

Theme: The hunt for manpower is on

Theme: The hunt for manpower is on

Will there be enough manpower when economies grow year on year while populations are ageing? No, say many employers in the Nordic countries. Their warning is that lack of manpower will jeopardise economic growth and innovation. Governments too are on the alert. Welfare states are dependent on enough workers to keep ticking over.

Theme: The hunt for manpower is on - Read More…

Fighting over the unemployed

Fighting over the unemployed

Denmark is changing tack to attract manpower in the face of record low unemployment figures. The transport sector shows the way.

Fighting over the unemployed - Read More…

Finland: New government wants increased immigration

Finland: New government wants increased immigration

Finland has one of the lowest immigration rates in the EU, while its population is ageing quicker than anywhere else in the Union. That does not bode well for the country's future labour market. Now the new government wants to increase labour immigration. But the situation for those already in the country must be improved first.

Finland: New government wants increased immigration - Read More…

Labour shortage on everyone's lips

Labour shortage on everyone's lips

Are we running out of manpower? After years of economic boom in the Nordic countries, an increasing number of businesses say they can no longer expand simply because there are not enough qualified people to employ. Meanwhile, a demographic problem is lurking; the large groups of people born in the 1940s are about to retire.

Labour shortage on everyone's lips - Read More…

New life for “industrial graveyards“ - lots of jobs in culture and arts

All around Europe a fast growing labour market in culture and arts gives new vigour to cities and towns. In de-industrialised places this is particularly evident. Instead of moving out, people have started to move in - to jobs in the “creative sector“ - counting for an average of one third of all jobs.

New life for “industrial graveyards“ - lots of jobs in culture and arts - Read More…

Norway's new Super Minister: Bjarne Håkon Hanssen

Norway's new Super Minister: Bjarne Håkon Hanssen

Work for all is one of the main aims of Norway's new left-of-centre government. "Super Minister" Bjarne Håkon Hanssen carries a great responsibility. He controls one in three of every krone in the budget. He has to make sure the government reaches its goal of a more inclusive working life. The hidden unemployment must be fought, and more people of employable age must be included in working life.

Norway's new Super Minister: Bjarne Håkon Hanssen - Read More…

Making production sustainable: The Danish experience

Making production sustainable: The Danish experience

When Danes talked about 'sustainable' production in the past, they were most likely thinking of organic farming products. During the 1980s and l990s the expression was given a wider meaning. Today it is associated with production, economy and working life.

Making production sustainable: The Danish experience - Read More…

Foreign workers in Iceland — living on the fringe of society

One out of four men living in Eastern Iceland is a foreign citizen. The majority of the foreigners come from Poland, work in large-scale industry and live isolated from the Icelandic population.

Foreign workers in Iceland — living on the fringe of society - Read More…

Labour shortage chokes mobility

Finland has decided to abolish the transition rules for labour from new EU member states from 1 May this year. Norway, Denmark and Iceland have still not decided, while Sweden opened her borders as early as 2004.

Labour shortage chokes mobility - Read More…

Document Actions

Employment rate 2020 Nordic Local Labour Markets

Map made by Nordregio, Johanna Roto

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Employment in focus:

Employment in Scandinavian languages:

Danish: Beskæftigelse

Norwegian: Sysselsetting

Swedish: Sysselsättning

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