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Nordic Model

Articles on the Nordic Model in chronological order.

The need for a comprehensive youth policy

(Nov 25, 2009) Labour ministers want an overview of all measures targeted at youth across all policy areas in the Nordic countries.

Árni Páll Árnason: "a working life for all"

Árni Páll Árnason: "a working life for all"

(Nov 25, 2009) What kind of labour market do we want? What do we expect from companies? What are our expectations for the work place? Árni Páll Árnason feels these are all questions that deserve deep probing. His quest is to put an end to people being pushed out of working life at society's cost.

Municipal job activation in the firing line

Municipal job activation in the firing line

(Oct 26, 2009) Denmark has made municipalities solely responsible for job activation and employment projects for the unemployed in what has proved to be a very controversial reform.

Nordic labour markets: a Brussels point of view

(Aug 19, 2009) Those looking to learn something from the Nordic labour markets treat them with envy and respect, but also with a degree of scepticism, writes Jørgen Rønnest.

The best research has people-focus

(Dec 03, 2008) Working life research in the Nordic region has highlighted big changes in how businesses are run. So-called borderless working life offers flexible working hours and less division between work and leisure. But what are the long-term consequences?

Working con amore

Working con amore

(May 01, 2008) After fifteen years in Italy, it feels wonderful to be taken on the wings of the Scandinavian labour market. Not under! That's the whole point.

Wanja Lundby-Wedin - favours security in change

Wanja Lundby-Wedin - favours security in change

(May 01, 2008) She is the president of LO - Sweden, the Council of Nordic Trade Unions and of the European Trade Union Confederation. Wanja Lundby-Wedin represents the employees of all of Europe. “As their representative of course I have power. That is just how it should be”, she says.

The Nordic region: defying economic theory

(May 01, 2007) The Nordic countries defy many of the traditional economic theories. Despite having large public sectors, strong unions, small wage differences, generous welfare states and high taxes, their economies have fared better than those of most countries.

Commission Green Paper on labour law and the challenges of the 21st century

(May 01, 2007) The Barrosso Commission of the European Union presented in late 2006 a Green Paper entitled “Modernising labour law to meet the challenges of the 21st century”. The paper has received reactions and comments during the whole of spring. The general assessment is that the Nordic countries and the Nordic social partners have been rather critical to the suggestions and proposals in the Green Paper.

Norway's new Super Minister: Bjarne Håkon Hanssen

Norway's new Super Minister: Bjarne Håkon Hanssen

(Mar 10, 2006) Work for all is one of the main aims of Norway's new left-of-centre government. "Super Minister" Bjarne Håkon Hanssen carries a great responsibility. He controls one in three of every krone in the budget. He has to make sure the government reaches its goal of a more inclusive working life. The hidden unemployment must be fought, and more people of employable age must be included in working life.

Sustainability - a strategy for the future

(Mar 01, 2006) Can society be sustainable if working life isn't? By valuing working life in terms of sustainability, we add a new perspective of forward thinking and inclusiveness which concerns people. Sustainability puts work in a context which challenges traditional solutions and players, and it mobilises fresh thinking. This is one conclusion from a report written by professor Bjørg Aase Sørensen and Christin Thea Wathne at the Norwegian Work Research Institute.

Book in review: What future for the Nordic model?

(Sep 01, 2005) Slash taxes and cut benefits to put an end to poverty. This is the recipe that is often prescribed by neo-liberal thinkers to solve society’s woes. Doing the opposite, in their minds,would amount to kill the golden goose of economic development.

"Flexicurity more luck than planning"

(Sep 01, 2005) The Danish flexicurity model is more luck than strategic planning, says Kongshøj Madsen, professor of labour market research. He is optimistic, and thinks the Danish tradition of combining flexibility and work security is the model which secures the best development.

The Danish model: Inspiring growth

The Danish model: Inspiring growth

(Sep 01, 2005) The combination ease of dismissal and job and economic security in Denmark has become a big success: 30 percent of Danish workers change jobs every year,unemployment is low, and Danish employees are the most content in the world. Now both employers and employees want to promote the Flexicurity model in Brussels.

Warning of a black work market

(Mar 01, 2005) There is a clear risk of increased social dumping in the extended Europe. Wages differ widely, and labour laws are interpreted in many different ways. That is why Niklas Bruun, professor of labour law at Sweden’s National Institute for Working Life, wants to encourage European countries to actively fight the emergence of a black labour market.

Nordic cooperation - a question of survival

Nordic cooperation - a question of survival

(Nov 01, 2003) There are those who ask whether Nordic cooperation still has a part to play in a Europe run by the EU. That does not apply to Per Unckel. The Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers is all enthusiasm. If all doubt regarding the Nordic cooperation has not been dispelled by the time he leaves, he shall consider himself a failure, so goes his postulate.

The Nordic labour market in an extended Europe

(Nov 01, 2003) Ever since the early Nineties there has been a close cooperation between the Nordic and the Baltic countries. As the Baltic countries and Poland become members of the EU, the professed openness acclaimed by the Nordic countries through fifty years of cooperation is being put to the test.

Long term trends in the Nordic discourse on work organization

(Oct 01, 2002) The long term trend in work organization has clearly been in the direction of more autonomy and responsibility associated in the work role. This has been combined with a greater emphasis on the ability of each and every member of the organization to communicate directly with other members of the organisation as well as with people outside the organisation (suppliers, customers).

The labyrinth of maternity leave benefits

(Oct 01, 2002) For the past two years in a row, the UNDP has awarded Norway the best place to live in the world. With 10-12 months paid maternity leave, free prenatal care and delivery, and extra child care benefits once the baby is born, who could argue?

Norway: Investing in Grey Gold

(Nov 01, 2001) Norway is making a conscious effort to encourage more older people to stay in work longer. This move is aimed at fighting the myth that older people cannot keep up with developments and making it worthwhile for companies to hold onto their older workforce.

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Nordic Model in Scandinavian

Danish: Den nordiske velfærdsmodel

Norwegian: Den nordiske modellen

Swedish: Den nordiska modellen


Nordic Model in focus:
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