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Articles on youth and employment.

The many languages of working life

(May 28, 2021) In this edition, we look at work from several different points of view. But in reality, it all comes down to the same thing. Work gives us an identity and experiences we would not have otherwise. That is why we are vulnerable when our professional roles are under attack. Or if we never get the chance to work.

Nordic youths want to learn more about work environments

Nordic youths want to learn more about work environments

(May 28, 2021) A Nordic project could help young people learn more about work environments, starting in elementary school. The Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise is preparing a module for 13 to 18-year-olds to improve their work environment knowledge, and the hope is to spread this across the Nordics.

Nordic job exchange hopes to bounce back from Corona

Nordic job exchange hopes to bounce back from Corona

(May 28, 2021) Many Nordic cooperation platforms have been hit by the Corona pandemic. One of the higher profile ones is Nordjobb, the Nordic mobility programme for young workers. Summer jobs should be starting up now, but many are still waiting to hear from their prospective employers.

Åland gave Finnish Maria a Nordic language boost

Åland gave Finnish Maria a Nordic language boost

(May 28, 2021) Improved self-confidence, great experiences together with other Nordjobb workers and useful language training. These are the best memories from Maria Karjalainen’s time working through Nordjobb. Her job was in Åland – exotic enough for a student from Rovaniemi in northern Finland.

Norway: women engineers on the rise

Norway: women engineers on the rise

(Mar 22, 2021) Ingvild Wang (24) has a master of technology from Norway’s University of Science and Technology, NTNU. She believes role models and equal education opportunities have led to a good proportion of women among young engineers.

Nordic cooperation to secure equality for LGBTI people

Nordic cooperation to secure equality for LGBTI people

(Feb 24, 2021) Children, young people and seniors are important priority groups for equality ministers’ cooperation on LGBTI rights.

What is it really like to be LGBTI in Norway today?

What is it really like to be LGBTI in Norway today?

(Feb 24, 2021) Norway’s LGBTI community is more exposed than ever and their living conditions should therefore be studied. So say young people in Trondheim’s gay milieu, and get support from a gender researcher.

Danish immigration hardliner faces impeachment trial

Danish immigration hardliner faces impeachment trial

(Jan 22, 2021) In what is only the second time in 100 years, a Danish parliamentarian is being impeached.

Would-be exchange students losing out

Would-be exchange students losing out

(Sep 07, 2020) International experience is important in a lot of occupations, but for many, the corona pandemic has left the dream of a colourful CV in tatters.

Which student cities do students prefer?

Which student cities do students prefer?

(Sep 07, 2020) What are students most and least happy with in 10 Nordic student cities? Statistics Norway have used data from the Eurostudent VI survey to compare students’ situations in different countries.

"More hard issues should be discussed at the Nordic Council"

"More hard issues should be discussed at the Nordic Council"

(Jan 20, 2020) Protect democracy, fight fake news and protect biological diversity. These are issues on the agenda for Iceland’s 2020 Presidency of the Nordic Council. Another focus area is to improve knowledge of Nordic languages.

Norwegian technical studies recruitment a model for Nordic universities

Norwegian technical studies recruitment a model for Nordic universities

(Mar 07, 2018) A considerable proportion of girls choose not to study sciences and technology. The Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU in Trondheim has chosen to hold several fairs to recruit girls. The rest of the Nordics will follow, the “girl agents” say.

Innovation – a must for inclusion

(Feb 08, 2018) The economy is improving across Europe, giving hope to Europe’s young. But it is not enough: To include young people in work and education, change is needed. The Nordic Labour Journal illustrates how fresh knowledge combined with structural changes can give vulnerable youths the chance to blossom and young entrepreneurs possibilities to grow.

No Isolation – creating new jobs to cover ancient needs

No Isolation – creating new jobs to cover ancient needs

(Feb 08, 2018) There is a reindustrialisation taking place in the middle of Oslo. Three young people have started their own business, making products as well-designed as anything coming out of Apple.

Ásmundur Einar Daðason: Time to overhaul the social safety net

Ásmundur Einar Daðason: Time to overhaul the social safety net

(Feb 08, 2018) Iceland’s Minister of Social Affairs and Equality Ásmundur Einar Daðason is also responsible for labour market issues. He met the labour market parties already the first week after becoming a government minister. Right now two issues are extremely important, he believes: To maintain the good relations with the labour market parties and strengthening the trust between the ministry, the government and the parties.

Students in Danish vocational schools need to expand their vision

Students in Danish vocational schools need to expand their vision

(Feb 08, 2018) 19 year old Marcus Brask Nielsen spent four weeks in London studying and in an internship as part of his vocational education. It boosted his self-confidence and gave him courage to work abroad. Many other students in vocational training stay at home, and this worries schools and the social partners.

Norwegian employers: applicants with in-work training end up further down the pile

(Feb 08, 2018) Being unemployed as a young person has a stigmatising effect that can last for years. This is underpinned by comprehensive research. But is it always better to work, no matter what quality job you can get? Could it actually be better not to? Could a labour market course worsen your chance of employment?

EU youth unemployment: Some jobs are worse than being unemployed

EU youth unemployment: Some jobs are worse than being unemployed

(Jan 16, 2018) Nine years after the start of the economic crisis in Europe, several EU countries are struggling to lift millions of youths out of unemployment and idleness. The youth guarantee, which the EU promised would get young people back on their feet, has so far produced no miracles.

Older colleagues’ experience needed as the 80’s generation take over the Viking ferries

Older colleagues’ experience needed as the 80’s generation take over the Viking ferries

(Sep 19, 2017) Viking Line is facing a real challenge. The largest age group onboard their Baltic Sea passenger ferries is 50 to 59 year olds. When they retire, a big chunk of competence disappears. The company has decided to treat this as a challenge and not a problem.

The Nordic region not good enough on gender equality and mental health

(Mar 06, 2017) There has been no overall change in the distribution of powerful positions in the Nordic region, according to the NLJ’s gender equality barometer for 2017. Yet there is an increase in the number of women in top positions within trade unions, employers’ organisations and labour government ministries.

Document Actions

Youth in focus:

Youth in Scandinavian:

Danish: ungdom

Norwegian: ungdom

Swedish: ungdom

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