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Articles on employment in chronological order.

The sharing economy threatens Nordic trade unions

The sharing economy threatens Nordic trade unions

The sharing economy is a brand new phenomenon which has exploded into fast moving marketplaces with names like Uber, Netflix and Airbnb. It’s all about renting, not owning — be it a car, a boat, a bike or using your own home to make a little extra cash. New online technology creates new opportunities for both consumers and producers. We look at how the sharing economy is shaping up in Denmark, Finland and Sweden, and how it affects the labour market.

The sharing economy threatens Nordic trade unions - Read More…

Social Europe under pressure

Social Europe under pressure

There’s a conflict between the EU’s social ambitions and national autonomy, not least when it comes to the labour market, Sweden’s newly elected Minister for Employment Ylva Johansson told a seminar in Stockholm on 22 October.

Social Europe under pressure - Read More…

A guarantee for the future?

There are fewer young people outside education, employment or training in Denmark than in Sweden. Why do the Danes succeed? While all of Europe is learning from the Finnish youth guarantee, the Nordic Labour Journal has spoken to Nordic youths about their experiences, and examined how countries succeed with their measures. Central to them all are vocational educations, apprenticeships and internships.

A guarantee for the future? - Read More…

Fewer youths equals more jobs?

As the workforce ages and the number of young people of working age falls, their chance of finding a job increases. But it is still too early for politicians to sit back and relax. Powerful measures are needed to fight youth unemployment. One solution is to create more apprenticeships.

Fewer youths equals more jobs? - Read More…

Youth guarantee rolls out across the EU

Youth guarantee rolls out across the EU

Finland and Austria are in the vanguard when the EU is developing new ways of supporting young people at risk of becoming unemployed. Finland’s youth guarantee means everyone will get a job, internship or training within three months, and the country’s long-term youth unemployment is the lowest in all of the EU.

Youth guarantee rolls out across the EU - Read More…

Swedish municipalities target youth unemployment

Swedish municipalities target youth unemployment

Over the past seven years, Sweden’s Public Employment Service has taken on more and more responsibility for labour market measures aimed at young people. But it has been a challenging task, and municipalities have become increasingly central to getting people into work or training. If they don’t, the cost of marginalisation lands on the municipalities’ desk.

Swedish municipalities target youth unemployment - Read More…

Consumers move online but won’t pay for content

Consumers move online but won’t pay for content

What happens when the number of communicators keep growing while the number of journalists keeps falling and many media are bleeding? Will it affect democracy in the Nordic countries?

Consumers move online but won’t pay for content - Read More…

Influential shadow people colour the political agenda

Influential shadow people colour the political agenda

Today’s Swedish government minister is on average surrounded by eight to ten so-called policy professionals. They work as communicators or policy advisors and have great influence over which issues are confronted and driven forward, even though they work in silence and with unclear mandates. These are some of the results from a new research report due to be published in the spring of 2015.

Influential shadow people colour the political agenda - Read More…

From journalist to spin doctor and back

Journalists becoming communications advisors, or in particular spin doctors to politicians, often say goodbye to journalism for good. But not always. Three former spin doctors tell us about their return to the media world. They all agree their time ‘on the opposite side of the table’ has made them better journalists.

From journalist to spin doctor and back - Read More…

Finnish media jobs disappearing fast

Finnish media jobs disappearing fast

For the first time ever there is a considerable problem of open unemployment among journalists in Finland. There is also substantial hidden numbers since many are working less than they would like or take on extra non-journalistic work in order to make ends meet.

Finnish media jobs disappearing fast - Read More…

Working environments influence quality in the media

Investigative journalism and the media’s role in a democracy are the main arguments used by media companies when they ask for special treatment. There is a debate in all the Nordic countries over the media’s framework — should they be exempt from paying VAT and should digital media be subsidised?

Working environments influence quality in the media - Read More…

The Faroe Islands’ future must be more than fish

The Faroe Islands’ future must be more than fish

What will the Faroese live off when there is no more fish? Is the answer oil or tourism? The important thing is to create jobs for women in the archipelago which is more patriarchal than other parts of the Nordic region.

The Faroe Islands’ future must be more than fish - Read More…

OECD: Wage cuts will not create jobs

OECD: Wage cuts will not create jobs

Industrialised countries have reached the limit for how much wages can be cut. Since the start of the economic crisis, wages have fallen in real terms for half of all employees in OECD countries. Further cuts could be counter-productive and damage growth.

OECD: Wage cuts will not create jobs - Read More…

Iceland back on an even keel

Iceland back on an even keel

Iceland is bouncing back after the hard years following the 2008 crisis. We tell the story of what happened that day, how Icelanders joined forces to stop anyone from going hungry and to stop youths from becoming social outsiders. Now unemployment is falling nearly as fast as it rose. As the economy improves Icelanders want a better life; more pay and more gender equality.

Iceland back on an even keel - Read More…

Look to Iceland

“Look how well the Icelanders have recovered from the crisis, “ says Christian Kastrop, Director at the OECD. And we will; our theme this time is Iceland’s transformation since the crisis hit in 2008. We also follow the report on the Nordic model, first launched in Reykjavik, to the OECD’s Paris headquarters.

Look to Iceland - Read More…

Robot journalism pushes the boundaries for what’s possible

Robot journalism pushes the boundaries for what’s possible

Robots are taking over tasks only humans used to master, like writing articles and taking pictures. They relentlessly gather information or photograph the same subject hundreds of times.

Robot journalism pushes the boundaries for what’s possible - Read More…

Recommendations ready for new Danish employment policy

There will be major changes to measures aimed at unemployed people on benefit if the Danish government follows the recently published recommendations from the so-called Carsten Koch committee. A new employment policy is expected to be ready before the summer recess.

Recommendations ready for new Danish employment policy - Read More…

Europe looking for new ways of creating new jobs

Europe looking for new ways of creating new jobs

Across Denmark 130 grandmothers are knitting children’s clothes for the company There are customers in New York, South Korea and Australia — and in the Nordic countries. The project is an example of a closer cooperation between the public and private sector and civil society. We have looked at some of the innovative projects in a Europe which desperately needs to think fresh.

Europe looking for new ways of creating new jobs - Read More…

Editorial: Can we afford not to invest in young people?

What can get more young people into work? Where are the successful experiences that shows it pays to give young people a chance in working life? Everyone shares the same goal: getting people into work while maintaining an efficient use of taxpayers’ money, says Sweden’s Minister for Labour Hillevi Engström in this month’s theme.

Editorial: Can we afford not to invest in young people? - Read More…

Successful vocational training for long-term unemployed in the Arctic

Successful vocational training for long-term unemployed in the Arctic

The Arctic Vocational Foundation is a joint Nordic institution providing individualised training within more than 30 vocations to unemployed Finns, Swedes and Norwegians. This, is where Sweden’s Minister for Employment Hillevi Engström invited her Nordic colleagues and working life representatives to consultations. What makes this training so special?

Successful vocational training for long-term unemployed in the Arctic - Read More…

Document Actions

Employment rate 2020 Nordic Local Labour Markets

Map made by Nordregio, Johanna Roto

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Employment in focus:

Employment in Scandinavian languages:

Danish: Beskæftigelse

Norwegian: Sysselsetting

Swedish: Sysselsättning

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