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Articles on welfare reforms.

Danish state pension reform aims to help worn-out workers

Danish state pension reform aims to help worn-out workers

(Oct 07, 2020) The Danish government believes people should have the right to retire early on a state pension if they have been working since they were teenagers. Trade unions are rejoicing while employers and others have their doubts.

Tuula Haatainen new Finnish Minister of Employment

Tuula Haatainen new Finnish Minister of Employment

(Dec 16, 2019) Experienced Haatainen (59) joins a government which features numerous young female minister. So what experience do Finnish politicians have from real working life? The question arose with Finland’s sudden change of government in mid-December.

Basic income made Finns happier

(Mar 06, 2019) Finland’s basic income experience came to an end 2018. The 2,000 unemployed people who received a basic income for two years instead of other benefits did not work more in the end, but they grew happier.

The platform giants are profitable – but create few new jobs

The platform giants are profitable – but create few new jobs

(Jun 22, 2018) The digital revolution will transform the work force in the 21st Century, just as the industrial revolution. But technology will create a host of new type of jobs and challenges as society moves from muscle and brainpower to data power, according to professors Bo Dahlbom and Ragnar Torvik.

OECD: The crisis is over, but collective bargaining is needed for wage growth

OECD: The crisis is over, but collective bargaining is needed for wage growth

(Jun 22, 2018) For the first time, more people are now in work in OECD countries than before the 2008 economic crisis. But the increased employment rate has not led to higher wages. The OECD says collective bargaining represents one of the most important tools for increasing living standards.

OECD Deputy Secretary-General Mari Kiviniemi: Sticks to facts and fears protectionism

OECD Deputy Secretary-General Mari Kiviniemi: Sticks to facts and fears protectionism

(Jun 22, 2018) Former Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi has spent nearly a lifetime in Finnish politics. As OECD Deputy Secretary-General she has spent most of her time advising the world’s governments on development and growth. At year’s end it is over. Now she wants to help Finland prosper as leader for the Finnish Commerce Federation.

The Disruption Council explores the future

(May 28, 2018) Long before the Danish Disruption Council ends its work, it has already identified a range of ways to secure that digitalisation, robots and artificial intelligence (AI) increase wealth and improve welfare, even though many traditional jobs will disappear.

Digitalisation now also concerns people with higher education

Digitalisation now also concerns people with higher education

(May 28, 2018) Camilla Tepfers’ choice of words is surprising as she describes the skills needed when machines have learnt what we thought only humans could to: Those who can tolerate boredom are the winners, she might say. Or those who consider things in more depth.

Denmark’s second largest city explores the sharing economy

Denmark’s second largest city explores the sharing economy

(May 24, 2017) Citizens of Aarhus municipality can move around in shared electric cars and cultivate the soil in new city gardens on municipal land. The government has designated the municipality as a pilot city for the sharing economy, and a range of activities are already up and running.

Digital revolution in the nursing home

Digital revolution in the nursing home

(Oct 14, 2016) At the Solbjerg nursing home, new digital solutions have freed up more time for employees to spend with the residents, and this is just the first phase in a digital revolution. In ten years from now, all of the home’s offices will be gone, predicts the nursing home’s coordinator.

Securing Danish welfare through digitalisation

(Oct 14, 2016) Municipalities, regions and the central Danish government authority will explore new digital opportunities while maintaining citizens’ experience of the public arena as an accessible partner. Many public sector institutions are already well underway.

The Nordic model under pressure from new leadership methods

The Nordic model under pressure from new leadership methods

(Sep 16, 2016) New management models are threatening a long tradition of collective decision making within Nordic labour life, Nordic researchers say. Employees loose influence and their chance to cooperate to reach constructive solutions within organisations and businesses.

Trust makes the workplace more innovative

Trust makes the workplace more innovative

(Sep 16, 2016) Signe Jarvad is the boss of 60 employees at Copenhagen’s Leisure and Culture Administration and not afraid of making decisions. But not without sounding out all relevant parties, and she also leaves many of the decisions to the employees. She believes this has led to higher work satisfaction and more innovation.

The City of Copenhagen: Work based on trust, not control

The City of Copenhagen: Work based on trust, not control

(Sep 16, 2016) Managing and leading public sector jobs using trust can help solve the complex challenges facing the Nordic welfare states, believes a researcher behind a new study on the Copenhagen trust reform. She challenges the Nordics to share experiences of trust-based management and leadership.

Former EU commissioner Nielson wants radical Nordic reforms

Former EU commissioner Nielson wants radical Nordic reforms

(Jun 15, 2016) The Nordic labour market is facing challenges which can not be solved through minor changes. That was the message from Poul Nielson as he presented his 14 proposals for radical reforms.

Åland’s Premier Katrin Sjögren: Multi-talented law maker

Åland’s Premier Katrin Sjögren: Multi-talented law maker

(May 20, 2016) The Liberal Katrin Sjögren has been the head of Åland’s autonomous government since November last year, and the challenges are queuing up. Cuts are needed everywhere, Åland’s largest factory is threatened with closure and a high profile wind power project looks set to get blown away.

Dear readers

(Apr 19, 2016) We are very pleased to be able to present a completely redesigned Nordic Labour Journal, presenting the content in a new way and in new colours. You can now easily enjoy the Nordic Labour Journal on any size screen, whether you prefer to read it on your mobile, tablet or computer.

Finland’s basic income experiment attracts interest

(Apr 17, 2016) Finland’s planned empirical experiment with a universal basic income has attracted a lot of international interest before it has even started. An expert group has now presented its first preliminary report of how some social benefits could be replaced by a universal basic income. It will present a more comprehensive report towards the end of the year.

Norway's new NAV Director: Sigrun Vågeng wants less central control and better leadership

Norway's new NAV Director: Sigrun Vågeng wants less central control and better leadership

(Oct 23, 2015) “I have clear instructions to increase the focus on labour within NAV (the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration). That is my mission,” says Labour and Welfare Director Sigrun Vågeng. She believes less centralised control and more leadership will help her in that mission.

Youth unemployment at the Economic Forum: how to solve it?

Youth unemployment at the Economic Forum: how to solve it?

(Sep 29, 2015) What is needed to make sure young people can find a proper job, allowing them to make a decent living? Youth unemployment hits the Nordic countries and other European countries in different ways, but it remains a major challenge for all of them. Is the youth guarantee the solution? What is the answer?

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Reforms in Scandinavian

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Norwegian: reformer

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