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Articles on globalisation issues.

How do you stop the exploitation of foreign labour?

How do you stop the exploitation of foreign labour?

(May 27, 2024) There have always been groups of foreign workers in the Nordic labour markets who are hard to define. Are they coming to work, study or as a cultural exchange? They might be au pairs, interns or berry pickers.

EU directive gives Nordic platform workers new hope

EU directive gives Nordic platform workers new hope

(Mar 25, 2024) The EU platform work directive is in place at last. It should help platform workers in the Nordic EU countries who work for companies like Foodora and Wolt to secure decent working conditions. In Norway, this was solved at the start of this year through a change to the working environment act.

Sustainability requirements at the Copenhagen Fashion Week

Sustainability requirements at the Copenhagen Fashion Week

(Jan 19, 2023) For the first time ever, the Nordics’ largest fashion week has implemented sustainability requirements for participating fashion brands. A new era, but the road to a sustainable fashion industry is long, says expert.

How Iceland's industry benefits from being outside of the common energy market

How Iceland's industry benefits from being outside of the common energy market

(Jan 19, 2023) Surging energy prices have been one of the many consequences of the war in Ukraine. This has mainly been felt in Europe since sanctions against Russia have led to considerable cuts in gas imports from there which in turn has pushed prices up.

Margrethe Vestager dares take the fight to the giants

Margrethe Vestager dares take the fight to the giants

(May 28, 2021) EU’s Danish Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager fights against the big ones bullying the little ones. It brings her respect at home and abroad.

Sweden’s century-long relationship with the ILO

Sweden’s century-long relationship with the ILO

(Dec 10, 2020) Sweden has had a relationship with the ILO for 100 years. Yet the country never ratified the labour organisation’s first convention. There have been tensions behind the scenes from time to time – like when the conventions have clashed with the Swedish model for collective agreements.

Guy Ryder: The multinational system must understand the importance of work issues

Guy Ryder: The multinational system must understand the importance of work issues

(Jun 28, 2019) The ILO has celebrated its centenary. In a jubilant tweet from Geneva, Guy Ryder summed up the 108th session of the International Labour Conference: “We had big ambitions for this Conference, and it was a record breaker in every sense. We emerged with a new Convention, a new Recommendation and a Declaration that will take us forward to meet the challenges of tomorrow.”

ILO and the Nordics: At the frontline in fight for the future of work

ILO and the Nordics: At the frontline in fight for the future of work

(Apr 12, 2019) There was a positive atmosphere as the ILO Director-General and representatives from the Nordic ministries of labour gathered in Iceland to discuss the challenges around the future of work. The Nordic model has proved to be adaptable to rapid and major change before, and the development of new technology is something people can actually control.

Iceland invites the ILO to the land of volcanoes and glaciers

Iceland invites the ILO to the land of volcanoes and glaciers

(Mar 22, 2019) On the 4th and 5th of April, Iceland hosted the final out of four Nordic conferences ahead of the ILO’s centenary celebrations. The Future of Work conferences represent a very important forum not only for Iceland, but for the entire Nordic region, says Iceland’s Minister for Social Affairs and Children Ásmundur Einar Daðason.

Skills and fair distribution a precondition for digitalisation

Skills and fair distribution a precondition for digitalisation

(May 28, 2018) Nordic people are keen to adopt new technology at work. The region is leading the way. The challenge is making sure workers get the chance to adapt to new skills, how to organise skills development and who should pay. We need better systems to handle the challenges, said Ylva Johansson at the recent conference on the Future of Work in Stockholm.

International campaign needed to fight ruthless staffing agencies

International campaign needed to fight ruthless staffing agencies

(Apr 04, 2017) Two new international agreements trying to improve conditions for workers in the construction and textile industries, as well as oil workers' more traditional but still difficult trade union fight. Those were the issues up for debate during a Fafo seminar in Oslo on globalisation, precarious work and trust.

Martti Ahtisaari: Who would vote for the Social Democrats – hijacked by the trade unions?

Martti Ahtisaari: Who would vote for the Social Democrats – hijacked by the trade unions?

(Oct 11, 2016) This is the book which has created an uproar among Finnish trade unions. The former President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Martti Ahtisaari distances himself from both the trade union movement and his former political party SDP (the Social Democratic Party). Who would vote for them? he asks. Because they are ruining the welfare state…

”Trade unions must organise people working though platforms”

(Jun 20, 2016) The sharing economy represents a challenge to the labour market as we know it. In the face of this development, the Swedish trade union Unionen has just entered an agreement with German IG Metall. The aim is to find tools for how to organise the growing part of the labour force which works through online platforms.

Globalisation of airlines - a walkout for safety?

Globalisation of airlines - a walkout for safety?

(Dec 14, 2012) To see how globalisation can squeeze work conditions, just look at the aviation industry. Everybody wants to fly safely, but both customers and authorities seem tempted by cheap airline tickets. The result is trade unions on their knees while pilots and other airline staff must work longer hours. But is the situation as bleak as some say? Is the Nordic model under threat?

Work environment gives Nordic growth sectors competitive edge

Work environment gives Nordic growth sectors competitive edge

(Dec 14, 2012) How can the Nordic region face the challenges of growing globalisation? Where is the potential for growth and rising employment? Nordic researchers recommend measures which could help authorities and businesses make better use of growth opportunities.

Older people to be encouraged to work for longer

Older people to be encouraged to work for longer

(Feb 09, 2012) More people must be encouraged to work into older age and we should also be prepared to retrain or change professions or careers during our working lives. That was the message from Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt a few days before the ‘Northern Future Forum’ gathered nine European leaders in Stockholm.

Trine Lise Sundnes: Nordic workers’ voice at the ILO

Trine Lise Sundnes: Nordic workers’ voice at the ILO

(Jan 31, 2012) The most important labour-regulating conventions were first introduced in Europe before being exported to countries elsewhere. Yet these same rights are now under threat from European countries looking for more ways to cut costs in the face of the economic crisis, says Trine Lise Sundnes, who represents Nordic workers on the ILO’s governing body.

Loa Brynjulfsdottir wants to defend the collective agreement model

Loa Brynjulfsdottir wants to defend the collective agreement model

(Dec 12, 2011) Loa Brynjulfsdottir is the new general secretary at the Council of Nordic Trade Unions, NFS. Her top priority is to further defend the Nordic collective agreement model. It is under pressure from the more regulations-based way in which labour market issues are dealt with within the EU.

New ways of life increase need for Nordic ombudsman

New ways of life increase need for Nordic ombudsman

(Jun 17, 2011) Border obstacles have been on the political agenda since the Common Nordic Labour Market was established in 1954. When one obstacle is removed, another pops up.

Healthy, competent citizens: the Nordic plan for global competitiveness

(Aug 31, 2010) Giant pan-Nordic drive for health and well-being takes off.

Document Actions

Globalisation in focus:

Globalisation in Scandinavian:

Danish: globalisering

Norwegian: globalisering

Swedish: globalisering

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