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Articles on the role of education in the work environment.

Restaurants break with old language norm – English makes an entrance

Restaurants break with old language norm – English makes an entrance

Finnish restaurateurs are worried about the lack of Finnish-speaking waiters. As a result, more and more restaurants now seek English-speaking staff. Meanwhile, trade unions sound a warning that many young people are leaving the trade because of low pay and a lack of workplace training opportunities.

Restaurants break with old language norm – English makes an entrance - Read More…

A Nordic drive for lifting competencies

A Nordic drive for lifting competencies

A changing labour market always needs new competency. Employees and employers must stay up to date. Workplaces from fitness centres to fisheries need to secure the knowledge which new developments demand, whether it is digitalisation or yoga. All the Nordic countries are looking at how to organise their adult and continuing education.

A Nordic drive for lifting competencies - Read More…

Icelandic continuing education: “Employees became more interested in their jobs"

Icelandic continuing education: “Employees became more interested in their jobs"

One in three adult Icelanders had no more than an elementary school education in the year 2000, and got no continuing education through their work. Since then, the social partners have developed a learning centre for further training of people with lower education levels. This has helped reduce the share of lower educated. It used to be 33 percent, now it is 25 percent of the low-educated workforce.

Icelandic continuing education: “Employees became more interested in their jobs" - Read More…

NIVA Education introduces online courses

NIVA Education has started offering online courses in various topics to do with working environments and safety. “The best thing about these courses is that I can go back and listen to a lecture again and again. You always notice something new,” says Ásta Snorradóttir, is a lecturer in occupational rehabilitation at the at the University of Iceland.

NIVA Education introduces online courses - Read More…

Camilla Stoltenberg: Nordics should cooperate to improve young people’s mental health

The Nordic countries should get together and create ambitious goals to improve young people’s psychological well-being, argues Camilla Stoltenberg, professor and Director-General of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Camilla Stoltenberg: Nordics should cooperate to improve young people’s mental health - Read More…

Mandatory continuing and further education – possible in the Nordic region?

Mandatory continuing and further education – possible in the Nordic region?

“The process is underway,” comments the former Danish government minister and EU Commissioner Poul Nielsson. In November 2014 he was asked to review the Nordic cooperation on labour market issues. At the labour ministers’ meeting in Helsinki he presented his proposals for reforms and got reactions from the ministers.

Mandatory continuing and further education – possible in the Nordic region? - Read More…

Birgitta Forsström – The fresh thinking Nordic region’s working environment director

Birgitta Forsström – The fresh thinking Nordic region’s working environment director

Good leadership is crucial for well-being at work thinks NIVA’s new director, Birgitta Forsström. NIVA now offers courses in health promoting leadership and diversity leadership in addition to more traditional themes. This is how she wants to create new Nordic arenas for training in the working environment area.

Birgitta Forsström – The fresh thinking Nordic region’s working environment director - Read More…

Cross-border education at the Cap of the North extended

Since 1991 Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian youths on at the Cap of the North have been able to meet and get vocational training under the auspices of Utbildning Nord (Education North) — a unique cross-border education strategy. On 19 October the scheme was extended until 2019.

Cross-border education at the Cap of the North extended - Read More…

Nordic comparative report: Youths loosing their footing

Nordic comparative report: Youths loosing their footing

The share of youths who loose their footing is increasing in all of the Nordic countries. Although youth unemployment is a major problem, decision makers should make a more concerted effort to identify and support those most at risk.

Nordic comparative report: Youths loosing their footing - Read More…

Basic skills - use them or lose them

The results from the first ever Nordic PIAAC report are both exciting and frightening. It shows a surprising number of people have such poor basic skills that it affects their chances in working and public life, and it does not improve with age either.

Basic skills - use them or lose them - Read More…

Nordics: Surprisingly many struggle with literacy and numeracy

Nordics: Surprisingly many struggle with literacy and numeracy

The challenge facing politicians is helping two million adults who lack the necessary skills for working and social life to secure a chance to develop, says Anders Rosdahl. He is a senior research fellow at the Danish National Centre for Social Research, and the Danish representative in the network which has just presented the Nordic PIAAC report.

Nordics: Surprisingly many struggle with literacy and numeracy - Read More…

New comparative Nordic research measures adult competencies

For the first time ever there is a Nordic version of the OECD’s Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, PIAAC. PIAAC was first published in 2013. The survey comprises comparative data from 24 countries.

New comparative Nordic research measures adult competencies - Read More…

Workplace learning depends on what we learned in school

Our capacity to learn at work is to a large degree dependent on what we have learned in school, and working life cannot fully compensate for differences in formal schooling. That is according to a new Nordic survey which builds on the OECD’s large skills survey PIAAC. Many women in a gender segregated labour market are even loosing their numeracy skills.

Workplace learning depends on what we learned in school - Read More…

Numeracy, not literacy, most important in working life

Numeracy, not literacy, most important in working life

Numeracy is more important for participating in working life than previously thought. An OECD assessment of adult competencies shows that being bad at maths increases the risk of unemployment and influences wage levels.

Numeracy, not literacy, most important in working life - Read More…

PIAAC researchers in Finland and Estonia: Continuity is key

There are no shortcuts for creating a foundation for the skills needed in working life. It is a time consuming process. Finland’s good results in international surveys stem from a 1970s school reform. The results are now at risk due to cuts and readjustments. Estonia, meanwhile, is catching up with the Nordic countries.

PIAAC researchers in Finland and Estonia: Continuity is key - Read More…

A Nordic helping hand to marginalised youths

A Nordic helping hand to marginalised youths

A large group of youths are not in education, employment or training - so-called NEETs. There is increased focus across Europe on ways to prevent this group of young people from permanently falling outside of the labour market. The Nordic countries have good experiences with finding, motivating and preparing these youths for work.

A Nordic helping hand to marginalised youths - Read More…

An eye for the individual

How do you help young people who are loosing their footing as they enter adulthood? How do you motivate youths who are not in education, employment or training find the right track to their future? These were key questions when the Nordic countries recently discussed how to fight youth unemployment.

An eye for the individual - Read More…

A guarantee for the future?

There are fewer young people outside education, employment or training in Denmark than in Sweden. Why do the Danes succeed? While all of Europe is learning from the Finnish youth guarantee, the Nordic Labour Journal has spoken to Nordic youths about their experiences, and examined how countries succeed with their measures. Central to them all are vocational educations, apprenticeships and internships.

A guarantee for the future? - Read More…

Fewer youths equals more jobs?

As the workforce ages and the number of young people of working age falls, their chance of finding a job increases. But it is still too early for politicians to sit back and relax. Powerful measures are needed to fight youth unemployment. One solution is to create more apprenticeships.

Fewer youths equals more jobs? - Read More…

Youth guarantee rolls out across the EU

Youth guarantee rolls out across the EU

Finland and Austria are in the vanguard when the EU is developing new ways of supporting young people at risk of becoming unemployed. Finland’s youth guarantee means everyone will get a job, internship or training within three months, and the country’s long-term youth unemployment is the lowest in all of the EU.

Youth guarantee rolls out across the EU - Read More…

Document Actions


Education in Scandinavian:

Danish: Uddannelse

Norwegian: Utdannelse

Swedish: Utbildning

Education in focus:
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