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Articles on the role of education in the work environment.

Work place learning with a human face

Work place learning with a human face

Life-long learning is seen as the golden key to unlock the magic door to the future. Through continued competence development we shall overcome global competition and accelerating technological development, employers will find competent employees, and employees will be flexible enough to follow the windy road of development. In the long run, knowledge will secure growth and welfare.

Work place learning with a human face - Read More…

Packing your bags is hard to do

Two nights a week, over twenty foreigners like me gather in a classroom at an Oslo language school, determined to improve our faltering Norwegian.

Packing your bags is hard to do - Read More…

Book in review: Life and learning on the Net

Distance learning via the Internet is an area fraught with high expectations.

Book in review: Life and learning on the Net - Read More…

A Nordic strategy for maintaining a supply of labour?

As with the rest of Europe, the labour force in the Nordic countries will change in the future. There is a great risk of a future lack of manpower. Therefore discussions will start between politicians and the social partners regarding future manpower requirements. The challenge is to find strategies that cover future manpower needs, without renouncing fundamental value systems.

A Nordic strategy for maintaining a supply of labour? - Read More…

The hunt for skills

A central feature of developments is the hunt for skilled personnel. Developments are taking place so fast that it is necessary for people to constantly upgrade their knowledge. For instance, it is estimated that there will be three generations of technology during a graduate engineering course. The various countries are now going in for skills updates.

The hunt for skills - Read More…

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Education in Scandinavian:

Danish: Uddannelse

Norwegian: Utdannelse

Swedish: Utbildning

Education in focus:
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