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Articles on employment in chronological order.

Renewed vigour for working life

Denmark enjoys EU’s lowest unemployment rates among the young, but too few take higher education. NLJ explores how to get the young going by ”leading them by the hand”.

Renewed vigour for working life - Read More…

Youths falling at the hurdles of working life

Youths falling at the hurdles of working life

There’s increased division in the labour market, and young people are the ones who are loosing out. Earlier there were alternatives for those who didn’t succeed in school or took a greater interest in practical work. Today those youths risk being left behind. There has been a change in the structures of the labour market, but many young people blame themselves.

Youths falling at the hurdles of working life - Read More…

Finnish fast track through the employment office

Finnish fast track through the employment office

During the 90s, Finland succeeded in rapidly reducing unemployment among young people. Now new tools are needed to move on. A system of fast-tracking them through the employment office has proved successful. The method is called society guarantee. The aim is for all unemployed between 17 and 25 to either get a place of study, start work training or to get a taste of working life in workshops.

Finnish fast track through the employment office - Read More…

Mobility after the enlargement - too much or too little?

Mobility after the enlargement - too much or too little?

Ten months after the at least partial opening of the borders for workers from the new EU member states, it is still too early to see whether it has been a positive or negative move for the Nordic countries. Some feel predictions of social dumping have come true. Others are surprised so few have made use of their increased mobility.

Mobility after the enlargement - too much or too little? - Read More…

Saved? – At least for now

For the past few months General Motors (GM) has been on the rampage in Europe. The attacks were directed at the three German Opel plants in Rüsselsheim, Bochum and Kaiserslautern, plus Swedish Saab in Trollhättan. 12 000 jobs are going, the German wages are lowered, working hours are increased – and the only guarantee is that the plants won’t be closed before 2010.

Saved? – At least for now - Read More…

Nordic Co-operation: Backing increased integration

Nordic Co-operation: Backing increased integration

An overall relatively small number of people commuted across a border between the Nordic countries, yet in some regions the international commuting was very significant. Those are some of the results from the Nordic Commuting Map 2001, which was published recently. During its 2005 presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers, Denmark wants to make it easier for people to cross national borders to do a job.

Nordic Co-operation: Backing increased integration - Read More…

Voluntary early retirement not too expensive

A new report shows the myths surrounding Denmark's early voluntary retirement pay scheme stem from misleading facts, and that savings can be made from other areas in society.

Voluntary early retirement not too expensive - Read More…

Finland's special commitment to disadvantaged jobseekers

Finland's special commitment to disadvantaged jobseekers

A Finnish pilot project providing special services for the long-term unemployed becomes permanent. An ambitious programme will establish 25 so-called employment service centres across the country. It is part of the government's ambition to create 100.000 new jobs during this parliamentary term.

Finland's special commitment to disadvantaged jobseekers - Read More…

The spirit of Iceland - Big cars and Big Spenders

The spirit of Iceland - Big cars and Big Spenders

The statistics of Iceland are remarkable. It stands out among the Nordic countries. It is the country with the highest employment rate (for women too), the lowest unemployment rate, the highest working age, the longest life expectancy, the highest birth rate and the lowest sick leave rates. Why is that? Where's the magic?

The spirit of Iceland - Big cars and Big Spenders - Read More…

Aluminium, Jobs and Environment

Aluminium, Jobs and Environment

Six hundred new jobs in a small fjord in eastern Iceland can save a community facing difficult times. This is the point of view of local people in the East fjords who now have high hopes that an aluminium plant will be built in Reydarfjördur in the nearest future.

Aluminium, Jobs and Environment - Read More…

Senior citizens must rely mainly on their own efforts

Senior citizens must rely mainly on their own efforts

The efforts made to find employment for older people in Denmark are based on local networks run by the unemployed themselves, since they are the ones who need to achieve results. In addition, efforts are made to keep older workers employed.

Senior citizens must rely mainly on their own efforts - Read More…

Preparation for a long working life should start early

Preparation for a long working life should start early

Preparation for a long working life should start early. Finnish authorities, trade unions and employers’ organizations are trying to bring about a change in attitudes that will once again make older people feel welcome in the workplace.

Preparation for a long working life should start early - Read More…

Targeted measures for the unemployed

By giving the jobless the 'right and duty' to work, the Danish government has managed to bring unemployment figures down. But, in a new reform, the Danish Minister of Labour recognises that compulsory activation in recent years has gone too far.

Targeted measures for the unemployed - Read More…

Norway: Investing in Grey Gold

Norway is making a conscious effort to encourage more older people to stay in work longer. This move is aimed at fighting the myth that older people cannot keep up with developments and making it worthwhile for companies to hold onto their older workforce.

Norway: Investing in Grey Gold - Read More…

Sweden: The Activity Guarantee

Being unemployed for long periods is neither good for one's self-confidence, health or psychological state. If you cannot find a job quickly, your chances of finding a job lessen. Sweden is currently making a big effort to get the long-term unemployed back to work.

Sweden: The Activity Guarantee - Read More…

Head-hunters to help Longterm Unemployed

Expert group proposes new models to meet labour market demands: “We believe that improving the function of the labour market and ensuring the availability of labour will be key factors in the next few years. This policy line includes the provision of some additional services for more hard-to-place applicants by ‘head-hunters’,” says Heikki Räisänen, an adviser at the Finnish Ministry of Labour.

Head-hunters to help Longterm Unemployed - Read More…

Iceland's Director of Labour: At the Service of Working Life

“Yes, 4x4s are very much status symbols here,” he replies smiling and with a sense of self-mockery. We have just climbed aboard a huge Land Rover and are driving off with a panoramic view into a wet landscape.

Iceland's Director of Labour: At the Service of Working Life - Read More…

Nordic Council takes up the fight against illegal workers

The Nordic countries are to set up control systems to fight and expose companies using illegal workers, according to a decision taken by the Nordic Council at its session in Copenhagen.

Nordic Council takes up the fight against illegal workers - Read More…

A Nordic strategy for maintaining a supply of labour?

As with the rest of Europe, the labour force in the Nordic countries will change in the future. There is a great risk of a future lack of manpower. Therefore discussions will start between politicians and the social partners regarding future manpower requirements. The challenge is to find strategies that cover future manpower needs, without renouncing fundamental value systems.

A Nordic strategy for maintaining a supply of labour? - Read More…

The Nordic Ministers of Labour

The issue of the supply of skilled labour is high on the agenda in the Nordic countries, as well as that of getting everybody on track for the new knowledge-based society. We have put four questions to the Ministers responsible for labour market policy in the Nordic countries, in order to hear their views on these challenges.

The Nordic Ministers of Labour - Read More…

Document Actions

Employment rate 2020 Nordic Local Labour Markets

Map made by Nordregio, Johanna Roto

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Employment in Scandinavian languages:

Danish: Beskæftigelse

Norwegian: Sysselsetting

Swedish: Sysselsättning

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