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Nordic Model

Articles on the Nordic Model in chronological order.

Editorial: Nordic ministers’ fruitful Svalbard meeting

(Sep 21, 2012) Norway’s Minister of Labour Hanne Bjurstrøm wanted to celebrate Nordic cooperation and invited her colleagues to Svalbard.

Unions in retreat across Europe

(Sep 14, 2012) Trade unions have lost members and influence over the past 20 years in almost all European countries. High unemployment, an increasingly deregulated labour market and weaker safety nets makes many workers weary of putting their demands forwards and to become union members. Unions in several countries also criticise what they see as a relatively self-congratulatory Nordic model.

The Nordic model marries growth and equality

The Nordic model marries growth and equality

(Sep 13, 2012) For five years now the Nordic model has been the subject of a study which aims to establish whether the model can manage to modernise. A conference in Oslo at the end of August marked the end of REASSESS, where 80 reports and five books were presented over two intensive days.

Nordic opposition to minimum wage shows lack of solidarity?

(May 22, 2012) Should we have a statutory minimum wage? Absolutely not say Nordic trade unions, and they’re usually backed by employers’ organisations. It’s an attitude people elsewhere in Europe find difficult to understand.

Editorial: The unacceptable consequences of border obstacles

(Apr 15, 2012) A long and comprehensive job to find and solve the key problems met by Nordic citizens working in a different Nordic country is nearing its end.

Women’s businesses mirror gender segregated labour market

Women’s businesses mirror gender segregated labour market

(Mar 08, 2012) There is strong political will in Sweden to strengthen women’s entrepreneurship. Between 2007 and 2014 the centre-right government spent a total of 800m SEK (€90m) on supporting, developing and highlighting women’s enterprise.

Effective sanctions make Norway’s quota law a success

(Mar 08, 2012) The law on quotas is the most efficient measure to improve the boardroom gender balance. “But the law should be followed up by effective sanctions and state measures which help stimulate the action.” That is the advice from head of research Mari Teigen to other countries looking to legislate for quotas on company boards.

Half of older Icelanders are still working

Half of older Icelanders are still working

(Feb 09, 2012) Older Icelanders enjoy working and do so for longer than other older people in the Nordic region, the Baltics and the UK. Being active in the labour market is highly valued among the Icelandic.

Trine Lise Sundnes: Nordic workers’ voice at the ILO

Trine Lise Sundnes: Nordic workers’ voice at the ILO

(Jan 31, 2012) The most important labour-regulating conventions were first introduced in Europe before being exported to countries elsewhere. Yet these same rights are now under threat from European countries looking for more ways to cut costs in the face of the economic crisis, says Trine Lise Sundnes, who represents Nordic workers on the ILO’s governing body.

Editorial: The proof is in the pudding

(Dec 12, 2011) Social sustainability must become as obvious as a sustainable climate or environment, says Hillevi Engström, Sweden’s Minister of Labour. Like her Nordic colleagues she has a drive to open up the labour market for people with disabilities.

Loa Brynjulfsdottir wants to defend the collective agreement model

Loa Brynjulfsdottir wants to defend the collective agreement model

(Dec 12, 2011) Loa Brynjulfsdottir is the new general secretary at the Council of Nordic Trade Unions, NFS. Her top priority is to further defend the Nordic collective agreement model. It is under pressure from the more regulations-based way in which labour market issues are dealt with within the EU.

Editorial: The spirit of our times and future challenges

(Nov 14, 2011) The Nordic welfare state is a finely tuned system. Cooperation between the social partners and authorities is central to its development. When Nordic trade unions loose members this power balance is endangered. That is an issue well worth focusing on. According to experts and politicians Nordic Labour Journal has spoken to, there is a need for action.

Getting closer to members could secure union survival

(Nov 13, 2011) Nordic trade unions must get closer to their members and provide a better service at a lower price. If not the Nordic labour market model will die, warn labour market experts.

”Change or die” - mobilising and modernising unions

”Change or die” - mobilising and modernising unions

(Nov 13, 2011) From 2007 to 2011 Swedish trade unions lost 273,000 members. Worst hit was the Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) and the lowest numbers of union membership was found among young people and people of foreign heritage. But unions are not passively watching the fall in membership numbers - on the contrary, they are mobilising to reach old and new members.

How do the unions handle the new debate on salary gaps?

How do the unions handle the new debate on salary gaps?

(Nov 13, 2011) Over the past decade the number of working days lost due to labour conflicts has been very low. Illegal industrial action has nearly disappeared altogether. Meanwhile the pay gap has widened considerably. But now there is fresh disquiet. How do unions deal with these new times?

Welfare state and social partners’ cooperation

Welfare state and social partners’ cooperation

(Nov 13, 2011) Cooperation with the social partners is central when politicians in Norway and Denmark sit down to write new political programmes - be it Denmark’s new government programme or the programme for Norway’s 2012 presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Minister of Labour Lauri Ihalainen: Improved competence will safeguard Finland’s future

Minister of Labour Lauri Ihalainen: Improved competence will safeguard Finland’s future

(Nov 11, 2011) Finland’s new government has ambitious goals for improving people’s level of competence. Finns will handle structural changes and future challenges better through improved education and adult training.

Editorial: Equality means sustainability

(Sep 07, 2011) Economic crisis, political earthquakes and unprecedented terror in the midst of the Nordic region. It has all impacted the Nordic countries. “Crisis test the strength of the Nordic welfare models” is this month’s Theme. One important question pops up: must the welfare models be adapted to avoid growing differences within the countries?

Equality driver of Iceland’s success

Equality driver of Iceland’s success

(Sep 07, 2011) Higher taxes for those who have the most, protection of the poor and debt relief to businesses and households - all part of the recipe to get a bankrupt state back on track according to the Icelandic experience. You also need a proper post-party tidy-up, get the economy in balance and prevent criminal activity from repeating itself.

An election coloured by crisis

An election coloured by crisis

(Sep 07, 2011) Which politicians can best guide Denmark through the current economic crisis, where more and more Danes fear going bust or end up unemployed? That is the deciding question in the Danish elections this month.

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Nordic Model in Scandinavian

Danish: Den nordiske velfærdsmodel

Norwegian: Den nordiske modellen

Swedish: Den nordiska modellen


Nordic Model in focus:
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