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Arvika: Where EU temporary protection directive is turned into housing, jobs and schooling
By May 2022, 12.5 million Ukrainians were fleeing the war. 5.5 million have fled abroad and are covered by the EU’s temporary protection directive. 134 of them have arrived in Arvika in Sweden’s Western Värmland, which has now signed an agreement with the Swedish Migration Board to settle refugees long term.
Social sustainability under pressure from many sides
Street battles in Sweden between people from disadvantaged areas and the police have less to do with a Danish politician wanting to burn the Koran and more to do with a lack of social glue between different groups.
MEP Jytte Guteland: another Swedish climate champion
After eight years as an MEP and chief negotiator for EU’s climate legislation, Social Democrat Jytte Guteland is ready to leave the European Parliament to run for a seat in the Swedish one.
The hole that must be filled: the energy crisis and EU's green transition
There had never been so much money for the green transition in Europe as there was in February 2022. But then Russia started its war against Ukraine. Europe answered by cutting the import of gas and other fossil fuels from Russia. How will this impact on the green transition? Will it speed up or must someone pull the emergency brake? The answer might be both.
Swedish LO: The ETUC no longer represents us
The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) has stopped paying its membership fee to the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and will no longer participate in the organisation’s meetings – all in protest against the ETUC’s handling of the directive on adequate minimum wages.

Document Actions

Map employment EU Employment in Europe 2016

Map made by Nordregio, Gustaf Norlén

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EU in Scandinavian:

Danish: Den Europæiske Union

Norwegian: Den europeiske union

Swedish: Europeiska Unionen

EU in focus
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