Articles on innovation in chronological order.
Will we get the artificial intelligence we deserve?
The Nordic countries have a special responsibility to influence the development of AI systems to ensure they are safe, transparent, traceable, non-discriminatory, and environmentally friendly.
Swedish hospital uses AI to the benefit of patients and staff
What are the challenges with AI and which are the good examples that can be replicated? Skåne University Hospital is already using AI to diagnose and treat cancer patients. We look at AI in Skåne from three angles, inspired by the new technology at Skåne University Hospital.
Nordic Innovation at 50 – AI important now, but where are we in 2073?
“Everyone” is talking about AI these days. Nordic Innovation’s 50-year-old history shows that they were engaged in AI projects as early as the 1980s.
Danish AI cuts wind turbine downtime
Danish Reblade uses AI to help drones land safely on wind turbine blades to carry out repairs using robot technology. The company also uses AI to recruit the best talent from around the world.
Finland wants to teach the world more about AI
In the 1990s, Finland performed magic with mobile telephony and technology. Now the country wants to become a leader in artificial intelligence. The message is being spread around the world through a Finnish training program that has already taught a million people elementary AI.
“Develop a Nordic AI strategy or get overtaken by multinationals”
The Nordic region should develop a common strategy for ethical AI. That is the conclusion from an expert group that has studied Nordic collaboration on artificial intelligence.
The Norwegian automated ferry that can be operated as easily as a lift
A wide range of new workplaces could become available in the wake of autonomous ferries.
Iceland ditches crypto mining for AI: “A great opportunity for Nordic data centres”
The number of data centres has increased rapidly in Iceland in the last few years. Critics say they mostly serve crypto mining, which is not considered the most useful way to use valuable green energy.
Everyone talks about AI, but is it not just more digitalisation?
What is the difference between artificial intelligence and normal digitalisation? What will be the consequences for the labour market? Will it lead to more jobs or fewer?
AI – a threat to Nordic democracy?
How will artificial intelligence influence democracy? That was the big question during the marking of Nordic Day in Oslo. Do not think the EU’s AI Act will solve all our problems, the warning went.
Drones and mini-subs strengthen Norway’s Coast Guard’s preparedness
The Norwegian Coast Guard has started using mini-submarines and drones to improve preparedness during critical situations.
Billion-euro CO2 capture plan could herald new Danish jobs
Denmark expects new jobs and growth in the wake of the government’s plan for the capture and underground storage of Danish and foreign CO2 in Denmark. Danish businesses have suggested using some of the captured CO2 in new, climate-friendly production processes which could lead to more and better jobs.
Female entrepreneur, CEO and role model
Hanne Jarmer is the inventor of a wall-mounted robot that exercises dogs’ brains. She is also a role model for female entrepreneurs who generally find it far harder than men to attract investors.
What is “real” work?
Our need to be seen and appreciated is often as important or more important to us than pay. But what happens when the boss is an algorithm? Our theme this time is artificial intelligence, AI, and the Nordic labour market. That is quite a lot to chew on, so we only have space to take a few bites.
AI – threat or opportunity?
In a new report on artificial intelligence for worker management, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work warns against what could happen if the technology is misapplied in workplaces. At the same time, AI is considered crucial for digital green change both in the Nordics and the Baltics.
Can language technology make Nordic cooperation easier?
The Nordic labour markets are starting to heat up. Unemployment in Denmark has come down below where it was before the pandemic. In Iceland, wages have been rising so fast that the country has had the highest wage increase in Europe.
Language technology – threats and opportunities
Language technology development has accelerated rapidly. This is important not only for those who make a living from translation – be it interpreters or translators – but for all businesses that have to relate to different languages. Are the Nordic countries ahead of the curve or are the IT giants like Google, Apple and Microsoft about to take control over important parts of our languages?
Small languages need big language's help to reach IT giants
Languages that are not used in the digital world will not survive. That is the brutal message which formed the basis for the Nordic language meeting – a two days long conference on the latest development in language technology.
Call for joint Nordic sanctions against countries behind cyber attacks
Nordic countries’ cybersecurity skills are improving, but what happens when an attacking country is identified? On 30 June, the Nordic Council will debate proposed joint Nordic sanctions in the case of cyberattacks. The proposal already has support among Norwegian researchers.
Extra power with robot gloves
The Stockholm-based company Bioservo marries medical research with new technology with their robot glove. It gives extra muscle power to people with reduced hand function and for those whose jobs put a strain on their hands. This summer they won NASA’s invention award.
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