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Employment Offices

Articles on employment offices.

Municipal job activation in the firing line

Municipal job activation in the firing line

(Oct 26, 2009) Denmark has made municipalities solely responsible for job activation and employment projects for the unemployed in what has proved to be a very controversial reform.

New ideas for virtual job seeking

(May 01, 2008) After more than a decade with vacancy databanks on the Internet, it is hard to imagine a time when job searches were not made electronically. Information technology has widened the reach of the companies and multiplied the choice for the jobseekers. But has it improved the matching?

Theme: The hunt for manpower is on

Theme: The hunt for manpower is on

(May 01, 2007) Will there be enough manpower when economies grow year on year while populations are ageing? No, say many employers in the Nordic countries. Their warning is that lack of manpower will jeopardise economic growth and innovation. Governments too are on the alert. Welfare states are dependent on enough workers to keep ticking over.

Labour shortage on everyone's lips

Labour shortage on everyone's lips

(May 01, 2007) Are we running out of manpower? After years of economic boom in the Nordic countries, an increasing number of businesses say they can no longer expand simply because there are not enough qualified people to employ. Meanwhile, a demographic problem is lurking; the large groups of people born in the 1940s are about to retire.

Annette changes tack

Annette changes tack

(Mar 01, 2004) Annette Pedersen decided she wanted to become an electrician. She simply changed tack to get out of unemployment.

Finland's special commitment to disadvantaged jobseekers

Finland's special commitment to disadvantaged jobseekers

(Mar 01, 2004) A Finnish pilot project providing special services for the long-term unemployed becomes permanent. An ambitious programme will establish 25 so-called employment service centres across the country. It is part of the government's ambition to create 100.000 new jobs during this parliamentary term.

A story of cooperation across the borders

(Nov 01, 2003) Knowledge about the labour market and personal relations is essential whenever employment services are called for. This is even more essential when you are charged with the provision of employment in another country. The following are some of the conclusions drawn by Oili Nätynki, based on many years of experience as an employment intermediary in the Nordic countries and as a Eures consultant.

Targeted measures for the unemployed

(Nov 01, 2001) By giving the jobless the 'right and duty' to work, the Danish government has managed to bring unemployment figures down. But, in a new reform, the Danish Minister of Labour recognises that compulsory activation in recent years has gone too far.

Head-hunters to help Longterm Unemployed

(Jun 01, 2001) Expert group proposes new models to meet labour market demands: “We believe that improving the function of the labour market and ensuring the availability of labour will be key factors in the next few years. This policy line includes the provision of some additional services for more hard-to-place applicants by ‘head-hunters’,” says Heikki Räisänen, an adviser at the Finnish Ministry of Labour.

Nordic PESs cooperate effectively - but continued obstacles to a true common labour market

(Jan 01, 2001) «The public employment services (PESs) in the Nordic countries cooperate effectively when employers are looking for labour from neighbouring countries. Contacts are made easily and trustfully, and are based on confidence and familiarity. » So says international director Peter R. Myklebust, of the Norwegian Directorate of Labour.

Electronic jobs service attracts new visitors

(Jan 01, 2001) In 1999, the Norwegian jobs website had 47 million hits. This was more than a quadrupling in terms of the previous year. In Sweden too, there is a great amount of interest in its jobs website, Platsbanken. On any day, 100,000 persons visit the site and read 600,000 adverts for jobs. The Swedish system will now form the basis for a European jobs database project.

The Nordic Ministers of Labour

(Jan 01, 2001) The issue of the supply of skilled labour is high on the agenda in the Nordic countries, as well as that of getting everybody on track for the new knowledge-based society. We have put four questions to the Ministers responsible for labour market policy in the Nordic countries, in order to hear their views on these challenges.

Jørgen Kosmo, Labour Party, Norway

(Jan 01, 2001)  

Páll Pétursson, Progress Party, Iceland

(Jan 01, 2001)  

Ove Hygum, Social Democratic Party, Denmark

(Jan 01, 2001)  

Mona Sahlin, Social Democratic Party, Sweden

(Jan 01, 2001)  

Tarja Filatov, Social Democratic Party, Finland

(Jan 01, 2001)  

The Nordic Ministers of Labour

(Jan 01, 2001) The issue of the supply of skilled labour is high on the agenda in the Nordic countries, as well as that of getting everybody on track for the new knowledge-based society. We have put four questions to the Ministers responsible for labour market policy in the Nordic countries, in order to hear their views on these challenges.

Document Actions

Map Cross border commuting Cross border commuting as share of employment

Map made by Nordregio, Johanna Roto

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Employment Offices in focus:

Employment offices in Scandinavia:

Danish: arbejdsformidling

Norwegian: arbeidsformidling

Swedish: arbetsförmedling

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