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The Nordic Ministers of Labour

(Jan 01, 2001) The issue of the supply of skilled labour is high on the agenda in the Nordic countries, as well as that of getting everybody on track for the new knowledge-based society. We have put four questions to the Ministers responsible for labour market policy in the Nordic countries, in order to hear their views on these challenges.

Jørgen Kosmo, Labour Party, Norway

(Jan 01, 2001)  

Páll Pétursson, Progress Party, Iceland

(Jan 01, 2001)  

The Dream Society

(Jan 01, 2001) Rolf Jensen is the Director of The Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies. It is one of the world’s largest institutes for creating scenarios and making forecasts about the future. Nevertheless, at a meeting, he was unable to answer a simple question from one of his clients: What will follow the information society?

Ove Hygum, Social Democratic Party, Denmark

(Jan 01, 2001)  

Mona Sahlin, Social Democratic Party, Sweden

(Jan 01, 2001)  

Tarja Filatov, Social Democratic Party, Finland

(Jan 01, 2001)  

The Nordic Ministers of Labour

(Jan 01, 2001) The issue of the supply of skilled labour is high on the agenda in the Nordic countries, as well as that of getting everybody on track for the new knowledge-based society. We have put four questions to the Ministers responsible for labour market policy in the Nordic countries, in order to hear their views on these challenges.

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