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Articles on the work environment and health.

Nordics counting the costs of work-related illness

Nordics counting the costs of work-related illness

(May 27, 2024) 3,000 Swedes die every year from work-related injuries. Unlike fatalities and accidents in the workplace, the effects of poor working environments are harder to see and measure. For the individual, the lost years amount to an immeasurable loss, but society also stands to lose an estimated 4 per cent of GDP per country a year.

More exposed to cancer – Norwegian firefighters pushing for legal change

More exposed to cancer – Norwegian firefighters pushing for legal change

(May 27, 2024) They expose themselves to great risks to save others and property. But the price they pay can be high. Firefighters are more likely to develop cancer than people in most other occupations. There are now growing calls for making it easier for firefighters to have cancer recognised as an occupational disease.

No horsing around with the work environment for the Swedish equine sector

No horsing around with the work environment for the Swedish equine sector

(May 27, 2024) The Swedish horse industry faces challenges both in terms of high accident risks and heavy labour. To improve the work environment, they offer training and also use research to find new methods and tools to create better conditions. Now, a new equestrian centre where new technology will be tested is nearing completion.

When the Nordic open labour market ended overnight

When the Nordic open labour market ended overnight

(Apr 29, 2024) This summer, the common Nordic labour market will be 70 years old. But have we really been able to work freely in a neighbouring Nordic country for that whole period of time? The border between Norway and Sweden was closed for 23 months during the Corona pandemic, a new book published by the Svinesund Committee points out.

Danish expert: Support young people to get pregnant, not to freeze their eggs

Danish expert: Support young people to get pregnant, not to freeze their eggs

(Mar 25, 2024) Female employees in large American companies can have their eggs frozen and delay having children – as a workplace benefit. A leading Danish infertility expert recommends Nordic employers and governments take an opposite approach and support young people to have children while they are students or newly employed.

Employment specialist helped Norwegian Julia (17) find her dream job

Employment specialist helped Norwegian Julia (17) find her dream job

(Feb 29, 2024) Close cooperation between two public authorities in Norway is giving young people with mental health challenges a new chance in the classroom or in the labour market. Employment specialist Anne Tvedt helped Julia Engan Pettersen find her dream job.

Why Finnish nurses choose Norway over their native country

Why Finnish nurses choose Norway over their native country

(Oct 28, 2022) In the largest hall at the Messukeskus conference centre, Finnish DJ Darude springs a surprise tune. Sandstorm blasts out to an enthusiastic audience made up of nearly 2,000 nurses from the whole of Finland during the annual nurses' days in Helsinki.

Cognitive health part of new Swedish work environment strategy

(Nov 16, 2021) Do you juggle all the balls at once rather than focus on what you should be doing? Or do you prioritise and concentrate on what is the most pressing task? Today’s labour market is really testing our cognitive capacity. More and more of us come down with cognitive ill health.

Many Norwegian nurses are planning their escape

Many Norwegian nurses are planning their escape

(Sep 08, 2021) Heavy workloads, poor working conditions, low pay and a feeling of not being appreciated means seven in ten nurses in Norway have considered leaving over the past 12 months.

Three Swedish stories of service during the pandemic

Three Swedish stories of service during the pandemic

(Jun 29, 2021) To be of service. A task with varying content depending on the business. A common thread these days: How to best get through the pandemic. In Höganäs it happened on a local as well as on an international level.

Sexual harassment: new knowledge needed

Sexual harassment: new knowledge needed

(Apr 29, 2021) Sexual harassment in the care sector has had less attention than harassment in other sectors. Patients behaving inappropriately is often seen as part of the job. “High tolerance levels represent a problem,” says Bryndis Elfa Valdemarsdottir, who has been heading the Icelandic part of a Nordic project looking at this problem.

Who pays for Corona in the end?

(May 15, 2020) We all benefit from measures to prevent transmission, but the economic consequences are not equally divided. The contamination risk must therefore be measured against the economic consequences, now that the Nordic countries are entering a phase of reopening their societies.

The Nordics must pull together to emerge from the epidemic

The Nordics must pull together to emerge from the epidemic

(May 15, 2020) The Nordic countries will take historically huge steps to limit the economic and social consequences of the Corona epidemic. The governments sometimes chose different measures to fight contamination, with different economic consequences. To get out of the crisis, greater cooperation is needed.

Interim Norwegian study of the corona epidemic’s effect on workers

Interim Norwegian study of the corona epidemic’s effect on workers

(May 15, 2020) Many Norwegian workers have become pessimistic about the future since the corona epidemic broke out. Those with the lowest levels of education and lowest pay have been the hardest hit. People between 30 and 44 are exposed shows a study from the Norwegian Work Research Institute WRI.

Freedom of movement sacrified to protect Finnish population

Freedom of movement sacrified to protect Finnish population

(Apr 15, 2020) Rapid measures and tough restrictions characterised the first Finnish reactions to the corona pandemic. As the only Nordic country it locked down an entire region, which included the capital city, from the rest of Finland.

Hospital wants to double the number of healthcare assistants

Hospital wants to double the number of healthcare assistants

(Mar 26, 2020) Will hiring more health care assistants make hospitals more efficient? Nurses at St. Olavs Hospital in Trondheim, Norway, welcome the hospital management’s aim to increase the number of healthcare assistants. They are happy to leave certain working tasks to the assistants, but several conditions must be in place before this can happen.

Nordic visions of more children and fewer suicides

(Feb 16, 2020) The Nordic cooperation's symbol is a swan. But black swans also symbolise the unexpected. This newsletter is about both birth and death. Assistant nurses play an important role in what happens between those two events.

Swedish assistant nurses want higher status through legal recognition

Swedish assistant nurses want higher status through legal recognition

(Feb 16, 2020) Assistant nurse is one of the most common professions in Sweden. 180 000 out of a total of 200 000 workers in elderly care are assistant nurses, but unlike their other Nordic colleagues, their profession is not regulated. Making this happen has long been a trade union demand and right now legislation is being prepared which might give them a protected title.

Patient-focused care improved staff’s work environment

Patient-focused care improved staff’s work environment

(Nov 12, 2014) When staff at the surgical ward number 6 at the Karlstad Central Hospital were allowed to spend more time on patients and less on administration, their work environment improved too. They recently won a major work environment award worth 50,000 Swedish kronor (€5,400) for their impressive efforts to improve their work environment.

Healthy organisations don’t emerge by accident

(Nov 12, 2014) New Swedish research shows more than one in four young people believe their jobs will have a negative impact on their health. At the same time we are becoming increasingly interested in what makes us healthy at work.

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Health in Scandinavian:

Danish: sundhed

Norwegian: helse

Swedish: hälsa

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