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Nordic working group to suggest how to remove border obstacles
A Nordic working group has been commissioned to present solutions for how to remove 39 border obstacles identified as being to the detriment of working life and social insurance systems in the Nordic countries.
Staffing agencies challenging the Nordic model
From time to time 'The Great Debate" over the role of staffing agencies rolls out in the Nordic countries, despite the fact they provide a only a small percentage of the workforce.
EU directive on temporary agency work could reduce social dumping
Trade unions believe the EU directive on temporary agency work will see fewer staffing agencies pushing down salaries and working conditions.
The employers' voice in the European dialogue
Will the social partners reach agreement on the working time directive like they managed to come to an agreement on work-related stress? Initial talks have begun but nobody knows how it will end. The social dialogue is nevertheless playing a part in Europe's policy development.
Soft skills needed for the new White and Green jobs
The EU Commission has presented a new agenda for new skills and jobs. During the economic crisis there are still two kinds of jobs that are in extra demand – the white and the green ones.

Document Actions

Map employment EU Employment in Europe 2016

Map made by Nordregio, Gustaf Norlén

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EU in Scandinavian:

Danish: Den Europæiske Union

Norwegian: Den europeiske union

Swedish: Europeiska Unionen

EU in focus
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